Tube (London Underground) Trains



I have seen many screenshot of Tube trains and I would really like one. On Trainz Lurv there is one but it doesn't seem to work .... Does anyone know of a working one ?

Dj Pip
the 1967 victoria line tube stock and district line D stock and 1996 TS Jubilee Line stock are on DLS. The jubilee line one came with a route called "east london underground line"
Two DLS searches should find you everything you need - one for "LUL" and one for "LT D Stock"



I have tried to search DLS but because i live in UK i cannot pay for the download first class ticket:'( . So do you know any where else i can find the download Please

Many Thx
I have tried to search DLS but because i live in UK i cannot pay for the download first class ticket:'( . So do you know any where else i can find the download Please

Many Thx

Living in the UK has nothing to do with being able to purchase an FCT, many of us have FCT's in the UK and it's 20% off at the moment as well.
Living in the UK has nothing to do with being able to purchase an FCT, many of us have FCT's in the UK and it's 20% off at the moment as well.

I Have Downloaded All The Stocks For TRS2006 And They Don't Work:confused: Do You Know Any Soloutions

Many Thx
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I have a very nice 1938 tube stock. When I get back to my Trainz computer I will find and post the KUID.

I desperately need some "O" or "CO" stock. Antbody know of some?

Mick Berg.
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Mick - does the London Underground stock work in TS2010?

I ask because yesterday I imported some D stock from my TRS2004 Downloads folder - when I tried to run them, a script error was reported, closely followed by a message that Trainz had encountered a problem and needed to close. (I was also asked if I wanted to report this to Microsoft - a message I always ignore as I'm sure that it wouldn't do any good!) However, following this Content Manager vanished completely and I had do uninstall and then reinstall TS2010. Fortunately, I had made a backup of my local folder the previouse evening, so didn't lose much - and at least the stock I had imported which seemed to result in the problem had been eliminated!

Mick - does the London Underground stock work in TS2010?
The asset is kuid:202010:1001 by Tempest70. It works fine in 2010, is passenger enabled and has working doors. The model is somewhat lacking in detail but is quite nice, with a good interior. It has phenomenal acceleration and the door animation is too fast, probably a result of being originally created in a much earlier Trainz version.
I looked for it on the DLS and couldn't find it, but there is 202010:1002, which is in the Isle of Wight livery. Maybe this version is updated for TS2010, I haven't tried it yet.
I'll try to contact Tempest70 and ask him to upload the original, or of course one could just reskin it in LU red.
Mick Berg.
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Thanks, Mick. I had, and used, both of these in 2004 but when I tried to import them into 2010, the problem happened. I carefully checked and imported all listed dependencies as well so the failure must have been due to the reported script error.

Three possibilities now - 1) try again), 2) wait to see the result of your request, 3) keep on using them in 2004!

Incidentally, I was trying to start a layout inspired by a visit to the Isle of Wight, ie. with a pierhead station.

Thanks, Mick. I had, and used, both of these in 2004 but when I tried to import them into 2010, the problem happened. I carefully checked and imported all listed dependencies as well so the failure must have been due to the reported script error.

Three possibilities now - 1) try again), 2) wait to see the result of your request, 3) keep on using them in 2004!

Incidentally, I was trying to start a layout inspired by a visit to the Isle of Wight, ie. with a pierhead station.

When I was a kid I had relatives in Ventnor, we would spend holidays there, and the trains (steam of course) would go there through a tunnel, which they closed at some point, leaving Ventnor stranded. It was a great station, with all kinds of caves and rooms carved into the white cliffs. There are pics on the web.

I think there already is a IOW route somewhere, maybe that's what Tempest made the IOW 1938's for. BTW The stock originally came from the Picadilly Line.

Maybe you could try downloading the IOW version (1002) and swap the mesh file (or the texture files, I suppose) for the old one with the LU paint job (sorry, livery:hehe: ). Perhaps that would eliminate the script error.

I think there already is a IOW route somewhere, maybe that's what Tempest made the IOW 1938's for. BTW The stock originally came from the Picadilly Line.

Mick - I already have both 1001 and 1002 so probably no need to download, but I will check on the DLS to see if they have been updated since TRS2004.

We (my wife and I) enjoyed a ride on the preserved IOW steam railway when we visited, also on the former LU tube stock. There is certainly at least one route on the DLS representing the modern line from Ryde to Shanklin, probably more. My plan is a fictitious island using former LU stock, just to be different.

Incidentally, one ex-LU coach was apparently used on Alderney (Channel Isles) hauled by a small diesel! Not much modelling potential though, just a short end-to-end with a sort of station at each end.

I'm not familiar with Ventnor apart from photos and a track plan in an old Railway Modeller, but it must have been very interesting.
