Tside Crossings for rail and roads


New member
Hello All,
I am a new Trainz 2006 member and I am having a blast with the sim.I must say I enjoy working with Surveyor and is slowly learning its capabilities.I am currently working on a simple setup but I having trouble locating Tside crossings for rail and roads.I have looked in the scenery objects but can not find any listing for these crossings. Can someone be so kind to help this newbie and point me in the right direction? Its probably staring me in the face but I fail to see it.:o Thanks for your time and I appreciate your help.
That, and type in LP, there are quite a few crossings, with/without arms, and at different angles. I also love the ProXing set on the DLS. When I first started using Surveyor, I just simply took time to browse through and familiarize myself with the content there.

Go to the DLS and search usernames "bnsf50" and "cloakedghost275" for some of the best crossings around (just make sure to grab bnsf50's roads while you're there since they are designed for maximum compatibility with his crossings). :wave:
Ya only bad thing about being new is tryin to figure out what people have
named theyre objects which a majority would be "blah blah blah @ european naming...grade crossing" as a example but after a bit well worth the search...........Have paper and pen handy........

Dave =)