Trying to work out witch Major railway/road company is the most complete in trainz


Narrow minded Tram Person
I vote for mainline I think has to go to NSWGR looking at the amount of Steam / Diesels / Railmotors / Rolling stock ect.
In Narrow Gauge there is a few contenders, Ffesterniog / WHR / NWNGR & DRGW come to mind.

There is a fair bit of British Rail
If you include payware SNCF has not a bad collection as well

Any other opions?

BR (British Rail) of course. I've got about @60 Gigs of BR stuff on my Hard Drive. The rest do not come anywhere close to the amount of stuff for 1947 to 1990's BR. Still, we need more of the locos and rolling stock to complete this era and company!

Been looking at the items I have been downloading for German routes in the past and I think we can add db to the collection, not that many DRG only a few I found but could be wrong.
