I cant edit the post that link applies to so I thought I would post this amendment.
In the link above Overmars stated that for him these changes need to be done when you first install Trs2006 and sp1 and it didnt work when he first tried it.
Now if you are going to reinstall trs2006 and sp1 "the correct way", besides following the sp1 install instructions exactly, is to make sure that when you install that you right click on the setup.exe and select "Run as Administrator" let it install then do the same for the sp1 patch file.
Then the first time you start trs as per the sp1 install instructions again right click and select "Run as Administrator".
This is also how you should install other "older (legacy) programs" in Vista so as to avoid problems latter
Then you should do the changes to the /bin application files by right clicking on each file listed below and select the properties page for the file and then select the compatibility page. On this page at the bottom is the privilege Level, select "run this program as an administrator" .
Select apply and then ok.
These are the files I changed -
It has been suggested by others that you might also need to change the other application files as well. These would be -
You may also need to add to the trainzoptions.txt file in the /trs2006 folder the following line
Now it should work assuming that you also also have the latest graphics driver from the maker of you graphics card that did not come from Microsoft Update, ie you downloaded it from their website ( ATI, Nvidia or Intel) and installed it correctly.
I hope this helps