TRS2006 & Vista

Does TRS2006 run on Vista because I can't seem to get it to. It works if I don't install any custom content but that's pointless. When I run it through Content Manager it freezes and doesn't do anything and all the time I get the following message when I go to install stuff:

Unable to register trainz url registry key

I'm starting to get annoyed with it so please help me :'( :'( :'(
You have the same problem as I have with CMP, but first the install.
Yes trainz does run on vista.
First go to the help and support on vista and type in program compatability wizard then install trainz as XP. This works.
If you have used this on another computer you should copy the local file in trainz together with the assets.tdx file in the trainz 2006 file. When you have installed 2006 on vista copy the local file to trainz 2006 and the assets.tdx file into trainz 2006 this will take all your custom content across.
Now with regard to CMP I also get that message and cannot seem to solve the problem, this causes the CMP not to save any imported content or saved games. I hope someone out there can help on that problem.

The latest retail build (3337) is actually quite stable under Vista (and that includes CMP) providing you install and run under Administrator Rights.
TRS2006 On Vista, Will not save custom Surveyor after closing TRS2006

I start the program. It runs fine. I go into surveyor mode and change some stuff. I save, it goes back to surveyor menu. It says it has saved. I close TRS2006 and then restart it. I go back to surveyor mode and it isn't there! Do any of you know a solution?:confused:
I start the program. It runs fine. I go into surveyor mode and change some stuff. I save, it goes back to surveyor menu. It says it has saved. I close TRS2006 and then restart it. I go back to surveyor mode and it isn't there! Do any of you know a solution?:confused:

This has been answered in other threads.
Wouldn't it be nice if someone, preferably someone from Auran, would do a sticky and place it at the top of this forum section outlining the correct or recommended procedure for installing the Trainz program in Vista. I mean Vista ain't going away, so we are all going to have to live with it. A sticky would help eliminate all of these questions that seem to bother some people.
You may have to upgrade your video card/driver. I did that and CMP works just fine for me now. Try doing that, if its possible.
This is the post in the tips and tricks section ( trs2006 ) that should get TRS2006 working with Vista

I cant edit the post that link applies to so I thought I would post this amendment.

In the link above Overmars stated that for him these changes need to be done when you first install Trs2006 and sp1 and it didnt work when he first tried it.

Now if you are going to reinstall trs2006 and sp1 "the correct way", besides following the sp1 install instructions exactly, is to make sure that when you install that you right click on the setup.exe and select "Run as Administrator" let it install then do the same for the sp1 patch file.

Then the first time you start trs as per the sp1 install instructions again right click and select "Run as Administrator".

This is also how you should install other "older (legacy) programs" in Vista so as to avoid problems latter

Then you should do the changes to the /bin application files by right clicking on each file listed below and select the properties page for the file and then select the compatibility page. On this page at the bottom is the privilege Level, select "run this program as an administrator" .
Select apply and then ok.

These are the files I changed -


It has been suggested by others that you might also need to change the other application files as well. These would be -


You may also need to add to the trainzoptions.txt file in the /trs2006 folder the following line


Now it should work assuming that you also also have the latest graphics driver from the maker of you graphics card that did not come from Microsoft Update, ie you downloaded it from their website ( ATI, Nvidia or Intel) and installed it correctly.

I hope this helps
This is the post in the tips and tricks section ( trs2006 ) that should get TRS2006 working with Vista

Tried all of the above and still have the same cmp failure problem. "unable to register trainz url registry key". and cmp will still not d/l anything.

Seems that I have waisted my money on upgrading from version 1.3 to "trainz Collection, trs04 &trs06.

Auran UN help desk has not even had the courtesy to acknowlwdge my request for hepl, let alone answer my request.

Not very happy with any of this.
I had problems with TRS06 on vista to for example I couldnt save non of my layout I have made in Survayer and Content manager dont even go there
Wouldn't it be nice if someone, preferably someone from Auran, would do a sticky and place it at the top of this forum section outlining the correct or recommended procedure for installing the Trainz program in Vista. I mean Vista ain't going away, so we are all going to have to live with it. A sticky would help eliminate all of these questions that seem to bother some people.

I seem to remember that Captain Scarlet's thread explaining how to get 2006 running under Vista was stickied. But the glue seems to have fallen off it.

Really, there are so many forum questions on this subject, its time Auran put up an 'official' sticky post - after all, 2006 does work under Vista, if its installed correctly !


if you right click on the trainz icon then click compatabilaty then click therun compatabilty button then for windows 2000 it worked for me wen i got the error key message:)

Sometimes...Its a matter of erasing your username and password in 3 different places, in both TC and TRS 2006, as well as in the CMP "options" too. Re-enter your information in your Auran community profile also. And re-typing in your information. Usually Trainz works great from the get go with Vista OS. Sometimes it needs tweeking, then it will from then on, run great ! Sometimes just hitting the "Red X" in the ERROR box, will jump start Trainz.
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