TRS2006 - Disappointing Software


New member
I like what I see in TR2006 as it comes out of the box. The trouble is that it comes with limited content and getting new content installed with all the dependencies is not always easy. Downloading the Service Pack 1 even with a highspeed Internet connection is very painful and I do not see why I should have to pay fordelivery of a CD for software that needs to be patched because Auran did a lousy job. As well the installation instructions for SP1 prove to me that TRS2006 is hackers software. No other software provider that I use requires that you go through these gyrations in order to update their software. Most of the time updates/patches are virtually seamless for other packages. TRS2006 is a nice program but poorly executed in terms of support. I'm not sure I want to waste any more of my time with it. I have removed it from my computer until I decide to give it another try. I would not recommend this product to anyone I know. I use Microsoft Train Simulator and Microsoft Flight Simulator and have never had the frustration that I have experienced with TRS2006 over the past two weeks. Good luck to you all.
The software is great. Downloading new content and downlaoding/installing SP1 is very frustrating. You folks must have the patience of Job.
knight42 ... Sure there is tons of content available for Trainz. But most of what I tried so far ended up with broken dependencies. I was not comparing TRS2006 AVAILABLE content with MSTS content. I was making as statement about my frustration with downlaoding/installing new content and the SP1. I prefer TRS2006 (out of the box) compared to MSTS (out of the box) but I do not care for the frustration of adding/updating to it.
Try getting F.E.A.R, the patch is about the same size as TRS2006, and can only be downloaded and applied through the game, so no saving it for a reinstall or getting it on a cd, and takes about two hours to do it and if you have dialup forget it as it would take days, and if no internet you are out in the cold.
Real professional.

"As well the installation instructions for SP1 prove to me that TRS2006 is hackers software."

In a way it is, and we are grateful for it because that is how the 3rd party creators have been able to write scripts and manipulate the code as they have for our benefit.

Cheers David
David, I appreciate your comments. I really admire all those who have contributed content for Trainz. You have all done a wonderful job. As I said I really like TR2006 out of the box. Surveyor blew me away and the content that came in the box also is great. My gripe is with Auran. From what I have seen they could do a better job with their servers and with their support. The fact that they are away for two weeks at a time when many new users are coming online is a case in point. Have a great day.
I like what I see in TR2006 as it comes out of the box. The trouble is that it comes with limited content and getting new content installed with all the dependencies is not always easy. Downloading the Service Pack 1 even with a highspeed Internet connection is very painful and I do not see why I should have to pay fordelivery of a CD for software that needs to be patched because Auran did a lousy job. As well the installation instructions for SP1 prove to me that TRS2006 is hackers software. No other software provider that I use requires that you go through these gyrations in order to update their software. Most of the time updates/patches are virtually seamless for other packages. TRS2006 is a nice program but poorly executed in terms of support. I'm not sure I want to waste any more of my time with it. I have removed it from my computer until I decide to give it another try. I would not recommend this product to anyone I know. I use Microsoft Train Simulator and Microsoft Flight Simulator and have never had the frustration that I have experienced with TRS2006 over the past two weeks. Good luck to you all.

Email me your postal address and I'll drop SP1 on a CD to you via Canada Post. Trainz is a fairly complex system but very flexible. If you want content on CD / DVD there are a few routes or collections around. Murchison springs to mind, I think cmburgess is putting together a DVD of UK content Auran are creating CDs /DVDs etc.

I can think of a company called Microsoft who have updates, hot fixes to their software that even causes other software such as my copy of the Oxford dictionary to crash, at least Trainz doesn't have quite so many updates nor work arounds to problems caused by their updates.

Cheerio John
Personally, I think the current system is good (well, respectable at least) - most people here will.:)

Perhaps you just need time to get used to the game. I find MSTS is actually a very unstable program if using poorly made third-part components, whereas in Trainz you can get inside them to fix them (I assume this is the "Hacker" reference made).

Anyway, just 'cos a company doesn't keep a back-up of it's forums is no reason to flatten them;) .
It appears that one of trolleydriver's complaints is the complexity and time involved in updating TRS2006 with SP1.

If updating TRS2006 had to be done once a week, or once a month, I could understand the complaint. You only need to do it once and then it's over. Even if it took all day - so what?

Once and done. I updated when SP1 first came out. I don't even remember when that was, or even how long it took. It's over now and there's no need to reflect on it anymore.

Run the SP1 update, take your time, do it right, and 6 months from now you'll forget all about it. And you'll probably look back on your complaint here and realize how silly a complaint it was.
I'm in the dark here. How does one buy (or otherwise obtain) a version of TRS 2006 that does not allow for an SP1 update?
It appears that one of trolleydriver's complaints is the complexity and time involved in updating TRS2006 with SP1.

To be fair - I started archiving my stuff two days ago (all 5GB of it - ready for the re-install), and am just about to try the patch this afternoon. Time is definately an issue if you have other commitments to maintain.
I'm in the dark here. How does one buy (or otherwise obtain) a version of TRS 2006 that does not allow for an SP1 update?

Each build requires a specific SP - maybe the NL one hasn't been released yet?

Sushill - try looking at the publisher's own website, as they will have the correct patch for your build.
I haven't had any big issues with TRS2006, SP1 did take maybe the same time as the installation for the game but even so, I love it. The only other problem I have had with it was learning to use the CMP but even that was easy compared to installing 3rd party content onto Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, egad... You have to unzip the stuff, put all the files in the right place and make sure you didn't screw up. The CMP is good for this job because all I have to do is wait for it to download the stuff and install it. I haven't had any trouble with this "no registration code" stuff nor have I had need to fix anything on it, the only thing on the game that bugs me is laying and positioning track in Surveyor mode. I think Auran should take a look at EEP 5.0, a German train simulator for this purpose, track laying is easier and more precise, and no need for splines to make a turnout.

In order to transfer my assets to a new version, I copied the local directory to a temp directory, uninstalled and reinstalled TRS2006, then dragged the directory back again.

Don't forget to erase the assets.* file(s) befor running again. Trainz will rebuild again.

This may not be recommended procedure but it's what I did and so far, no problems, and I have well over 4gb of assets.

The advantage to using archives is that when (if) SP2 is released, or for another reason you need to re-install, half of your content is already archived so you don't need to do it again.
In order to transfer my assets to a new version, I copied the local directory to a temp directory, uninstalled and reinstalled TRS2006, then dragged the directory back again.

Don't forget to erase the assets.* file(s) befor running again. Trainz will rebuild again.

This may not be recommended procedure but it's what I did and so far, no problems, and I have well over 4gb of assets.


hi, do you not have trouble with the content reverting back to thier original state, i remeber doing this and having to fix a load of content again, i prefer spending the time to save to CDP this keeps the coctent the way it was saved


For those who are interested, re-installing all of the content I have built up is taking some time and though. All of the stuff not from the DLS is not recognised, so CMP labels them "New Asset", but with the KUID of the original still in place. I have found you need to re-install these from the CDP from which they came.

Just posting in case it makes a difference to people's SP opinions

Moral: don't delete CDPs from web! :eek:
Wasn't this useful then?

'The international version can also be changed to work in German, the same might be true of Dutch.'

I improved my German a lot by using German software. Of course learning another language isn't for everybody.
