If you only choose the TRS2006 button on the DLS you will find a relatively limited number of pieces but if you choose the TRS2004 button ALSO you will find more than you will ever be able to use!
Actually, why do creators make TRS2006-only items? I could understand it if '06 had some new feature that was totally incompatible with '04, but for most scenery items it seems they are being needlessly precluded from TRS2004.
Actually, why do creators make TRS2006-only items? I could understand it if '06 had some new feature that was totally incompatible with '04, but for most scenery items it seems they are being needlessly precluded from TRS2004.
If you clone an object, CMP automatically upgrades the build-number. I set Leeds 180 back (as far as I know there are no problems), but I can imagine that for reskinning you might not view the config and therefore not notice.
I believe there are some issues with back-dating content - The 4F (though I haven't actually tried to check) will not work in '04. I understand that there are some changes to the scripts you can use in '06 (the same reason a lot of '04 content requires SP4).
Actually, why do creators make TRS2006-only items? I could understand it if '06 had some new feature that was totally incompatible with '04, but for most scenery items it seems they are being needlessly precluded from TRS2004.
There are some types of scripting that will only seem to work in one or the other version of the game. Grade crossings (level crossings) seem to be one, where if it works in 2004 it's broken in 2006 and vice versa (apparently due to a change--or bug-- in the way the program responds to certain script commands). So inevitably there will be some assets that are version specific.
I believe there are some issues with back-dating content - The 4F (though I haven't actually tried to check) will not work in '04. I understand that there are some changes to the scripts you can use in '06 (the same reason a lot of '04 content requires SP4).