TRS US meet up (X post)


New member
If there is already an upcoming North American TRS Meet up, can anyone provide me details? If not, it has occurred to me that it might be fun to have a TRS North American meet up, where we could get together for a weekend, or a week, maybe tour some real world facilities, and meet content creators and other users. For the purposes of discussion, lets assume that this would be in Summer of 08, or around Christmas 08 / New Years 09. To this end, a couple of questions:

1) Would you attend?

2) How much would you be willing to pay?

3) Are you interested, but you already know that both of these two time slots won't work?

I've cross posted this to the North Amercian TRS forums with which I am familiar in an effort to reach as many people as possible. Please respond in only one place.

North American Meet Up huh?

I'd like to know it will be at if we do it.
I would pay if a resonable price.
I could go definalty Summer 08. Much easier.

Love to see it happen. :D
If it is close to St. Louis, then definitely.
Like titaniclover said, a reasonable price
Most likely Summer 08
I'll second what Truemac said.

Even though I live in the 'Ham, I spend a lot of time in St. Louis during the summer (see sig link).
We could do multiple shows all at once in different cities/states and use iPortals or something to link them all up?

I for one would be more than happy to host one in Seattle, Washington.
I'll second what Truemac said, as I live in St. Louis also. I don't know of many railroad artifacts/museums around here, other than the infamous Museum of Transportation(10 minute drive from my house). The second closest is Indiana or Kansas, and there isn't much else there. So, though I may seem biased, I think St. Louis would be a good location for a meet.
It ain't a museum, but it's cool to look at: that passenger car shop across the river in Madison (everyone not familiar with St. Louis just pretend like you know what I mean).

Also, browsing the St. Luois metro area, I've found at least 3 roundhouses/roundhouse foundations. How many have y'all found?