Troubles with AJS Track Eraser in T:ANE


19 Years of Trainz
I've previously added 15 sets of crossing gates on 15 roads for my route, but when adding the 16th today the "Track Eraser" won't stay visible. When I try to reconnect it, I get the warning that it is "incompatible with the vertex" I'm trying to connect it to (Slave or traffic stopper). The missing visibility is now constant over my entire route. When I take a look at any of my other crossings, the Track Eraser is not visible. BUT, if I use the vertex height adjustment tool and touch the vertex with the mouse, the track suddenly comes visible for that little piece.

My other 15 crossings work exactly as I programmed them using ATLS components (even with the invisibility problem). The 16th one I am trying to create today will NOT stop the cars. They keep running right through the barriers and crash into the train. I've compared every component using the "?" tool and found them identical (except for the channel number).

Is anyone else having this problem? T:ANE build 81321. There are no errors or warning for the KUID (2:122285:1003:2).

You can use other invisible tracks for that purpose. I think it is BNSF50's(Blue, red) , along with some other ones that are easy to see. Not sure of the root of your problem?
@danddhud: I have used others in the past, but this particular invisible track matches that used by other ATLS devices, especially the Slave unit. It has always worked before.

@cascaderailroad: It is perhaps misnamed. It is simply invisible track, but it is a little easier to follow when you lay it out on a route than a simple red, green, or whatever color line. It actually looks like a track.

I may have fixed the problem anyway. As much as I hate to do a database reset, at least in T:ANE it is a bit faster than TS12. The track is visible now most of the time. When it goes away, I can bring it back by clicking on one of the vertices. Strange that it would begin misbehaving now after performing just fine for 15 crossings. I'm going to go around a laboriously examine each and every crossing to verify the channel number. I think I may be off somewhere with the controller-to-channel-to-trigger number. And I have around 20 more crossing to get to. Not sure what the upper limit of channels is though.

Limit? More than enough to meet the needs of any creator. I think it goes over 3 digits (999+) (one DL route I had uses them in the 5 digit range oddly enough)
As danddhud says you can use any invisible track to connect ATLS components. AJS's 'Track Eraser' is just an invisible track.

I think Andi called it that because he used it to remove unwanted visible track which had become attached (perhaps incorrectly) to his crossing assets. These are impossible to delete unless you attach his 'Track Eraser' to them.... making them invisible or 'erased'.

I wondered about that. I'll check out some other invisible tracks, then.

As far as channel numbers goes, I plopped a controller down on the route and stopped messing with the channel number when it went over 300. I think that'll be sufficient for my little route. :-)

I went in and verified the channel max. It is 9,999,999. (manual channel number insert/TANE) After that it rolls over back to off, then 1, 2,...... One would have to build an entire large, RR intensive country to use this many independent controllers.
LOL. That's a wee bit more than I can use. Can you imagine the CPU power used to make sure all those controllers are functioning and able to close/open gates for a train? The mind boggles.

Actually there is no limit to the number of ATLS channels, (CPU permitting). I just decide 9,999,999 would be enough.... and there wasn't enough space in the box to put 10,000,000.

The channel number is just so the Controller only works with the other assets set to the same channel. It actually turns it into a string for comparison anyway, so it just has to be unique.


Excellent, Boat. Then I need not worry.

My componenet-connecting invisible track keeps disappearing even after changing to another "brand" of invisible track. If I stay away from Quick Drive, it remains visible, but once I take a quick drive to check my work, it goes away. It is still there, but I just can't see it until I mess with the vertex a bit. If I save the route, exit Surveyor, drive the default session, and then come back into the route, the invisible track is there just as it should be. Quick drive messes up visibility.

Hi Bill,

Yes, it does it for me too. Return from Quick Drive to Surveyor and the invisible track stays invisible even in Surveyor. Leave Surveyor and re-edit Route and its back OK.

Looks like the track is not registering its return to Module 1. Its only happening with the track though. ATLS Triggers which are invisible in Driver returned visible in Surveyor during this test.

I suggest you post a bug report via the help desk.



I submitted a bug report. They've duplicated it. The patch from 81321 to 82848 did NOT solve it. It didn't take care of the spinning "wait" mouse icon after an automatic save either.
