Trouble with attaining kuid <9999:60207:1>


NoT tHe StAtUeS!
I believe this is needed for the 52ft bulkheads, rotary hose? (9999:60207:1) it's called...but the site I was directed to "HOTT Trainz", won't seem to let me make an account.
Is there another way for me to attain the proper kuids for these cars?
Had same problem - delete the references to the assist in "config" will fix it.

BTW the asset show up with errors in Tane anyway
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Thank you butler57, I will have a stab at that, but may ask for assistance if I get lost, lol.

Makes me wonder why not just link all required deps in the bulkhead download page itself but that's just me... :o
That was prior to us implementing a no outside 3rd party dependency rule. Feel free to strip out the offending products, this won't be an issue with future items. These are a couple of years old now, which is the reason for the unknown dependencies.


Hi applegathc, if still looking for that asset, let me know, I guess I can help You...