I went to the USGS site and looked at TOPO maps. When viewing them on the site, the RR lines appear. However, when actually downloaded, they are NOT visible. Should I be using different maps?
The process has changed a bit since the servers have been down due to an address change.
1) Download the DEM information from your selected area. This will be a large .zip file that contains the .img or large. arc-grid file.
2) Open the .zip and take out the .img or other file. If they're really small, then that's not the one you want. You need the largest file in there.
Put these aside for now.
Since the WMS servers for the US are unavailable due to an address change, which I believe Roland is aware of, you need to use GEO Tiff format files, or GEO PDF format. You can download GEO PDFs from the National Map Server Historical Maps.
3) Go here to the "store"
http://store.usgs.gov/b2c_usgs/usgs...8&uiarea=2&ctype=areaDetails&carea=$ROOT)/.do . There are historical ones as well as current ones.
For GEO Tiff images, you can go to
www.topoquest.com and find the area you want.
4) Zoom in and find the area you want, and place little markers.
5) Download and unzip the maps. They range in size from a couple of megabytes to over 20 meg.
Once done you now need to bring these into TransDEM:
1) Click on Raster Map
2) Click on Open Raster Map
3) Click on Transparent Margins 2x (times)
4) Click Convert to UTM.
This will now make the .tiff or PDF ready for use in TransDEM.
5) Close all Raster Maps.
Open your DEM in TransDEM.
It will be quite huge and will take time to open up.
6) Open up your topographic map
7) Crop the DEM to fit your map image.
8) Trace your route.
9) Export as a Trainz route ready to go.
Hope this helps.