

Trainz Legend
With this vistamare trainz mapz thing i keep hearing that you can change the track type from there.
Can anyone tell me how or show me in the right direction of a helping page( sorry i can't remember the name :) ).
Download and install VistaMareTrainzMap from
When you start it you can select which versions of Trainz you want to access, then load a map. You can right click any objects and it will tell you what kuid number and name it is. Any track and trackside object can be changed as well as some scenery objects. Specifically for tracks, if you right click a line that is track you get a popup window that tells you what kuid it is and gives you the option to change it by picking from a pulldown list of all available tracks. You can change just that section of you can check the option to replace all occurances of it. The is lots of online help available as you use the program. Very easy to use.

Ok thankyou i see what your saying.
Is there any other things on that program like changing track etc?
As above post
You can right click any objects on the map and it will tell you what kuid number and name it is. Any track, name or trackside object can be changed as well as some scenery objects.

Bob V