Trainz Versus MSTS


New member
Hi eveyone,

I am new to this genre of 'gaming' / simulation and wondering which of train sim to buy - looking at reviews, trainz generally gets the better reviews but it seems MS Train Sim has more support/community?

Anyway just wondering of any if you would care to advise - also if I go for trainz, which version would you recommend? I am in the UK.

Thanks in advance

Hi eveyone,

I am new to this genre of 'gaming' / simulation and wondering which of train sim to buy - looking at reviews, trainz generally gets the better reviews but it seems MS Train Sim has more support/community?

Anyway just wondering of any if you would care to advise - also if I go for trainz, which version would you recommend? I am in the UK.

Thanks in advance


Hi Graeme. I'd recommend signing up here:

Have a read and see how much of a UK community there is for Trainz.

UK MSTS Community is mostly here:

Would you recommend the Trainz ultimate collection as a good first purchase?

It is simpler than later versions but with the price you can now get TRS2004 or TRS2006 for I'd go for a later version. Ultimate (which wasn't) is a bit long in the tooth now.

Some people consider '04 more stable (I don't) whilst '06 has more content and the blessing/disadvantage of CMP to manage content (everyone will give you a different opinion of CMP. I'm in the camp which likes it.)

If you count the soon-to-be-released Trainz Classics edition, UTC is four editions old, like Mike just posted, I'd go with TRS 2004 or 2006 OR hold off a couple of weeks and see what the community's reaction to Trainz Classic is like.
There are tons of differing opinions on Trainz and MSTS and seeing as this is a Trainz community the answers will be biased, of course.
I prefer Trainz, which is why i'm here. :p

If you like creating routes and things, then Trainz is definitely the better choice in my opinion. The surveyor (editor) is much easier to use than the MSTS counterpart.

Also, get TRS04 or 06. I don't know how much content TRS04 comes with as i haven't played it, i have TRS06. CMP (Content Manager Plus) can be great and i haven't had much trouble with it. However, i've seen many people have problems with it...
Hi eveyone,

I am new to this genre of 'gaming' / simulation and wondering which of train sim to buy - looking at reviews, trainz generally gets the better reviews but it seems MS Train Sim has more support/community?

Anyway just wondering of any if you would care to advise - also if I go for trainz, which version would you recommend? I am in the UK.

Thanks in advance


I agree with much of what has been said already. I think it really comes down to what you're wanting to do.

I lean more towards the Model Railroader side of things, and I much prefer Trainz because I can run any number of consists through never-ending sessions much in the way that a real model railroad can operate. This would be impossible with MSTS, since it mostly seems to rely on pre-scripted activities.

On the other side of the coin, there are many people who feel that Trainz lacks some of the more prototypical touches that MSTS does have, especailly in terms of physics and stuff like that. I'm not really interested in that stuff, so I can really say if it is true or not. Also, it seems that there are more prototypical routes for MSTS (at least for North America), although there are a few with Trainz.

One other thing to add. As some have said already, UTC is quite old now, and it does lack some rather impressive features that the newer versions contain. Most notably, the commodity and passenger system that was introducted in TRS2004.

Hope this helps,
Given the relatively cheap price of TRS2004 or TRS2006 and MSTS, why not try both and make your own mind up.

Using sweeping generalisations, MSTS is a better driving simulator and Trainz is a better railway simulator. Depends what you fancy doing.

I prefer Trainz over MSTS as Trainz is more like a model railroad to me, but easier.

MSTS I found to be very primitive, but thats because I have the first version they came out with when I was in the 5th grade (about 6 years ago).

I came to Trainz a couple years ago after using MSTS almost since it was first introduced.

I like MSTS quite well, especially with some of the add-ons that are available. It has a more realistic feel than does Trainz. The main reasons I dropped it are that the simulator would bomb fairly often, that errors in what MSTS calls activities were not easily fixed, and that it became an orphan when MS dropped its support.

I've come to like Trainz because it is more stable, and because with the Surveyor mode, you can not only easily fix session errors (sessions are akin to MSTS activities), but you can easily develop your own sessions - and even the routes to run them on. (Some routes are supplied without sessions, and if you want to use them, you have to learn to use Surveyor at least to the point where you can place rolling stock where you want it in the route.)

In MSTS you are basically a locomotive engineer carrying out work orders, or, after selecting an engine, just exploring. In Trainz, you can be the engineer if you want, but you can also be a dispatcher managing several trains at once, be a route developer, or be a session developer or all at once - whatever grabs you.

I went from TRS 2004 to TRS 2006, and have not regretted it. Much more add-on content is available for 2004, but most of it works OK on 2006. My main reason for sticking with 2006 is because Surveyor mode is more robust and for me is easier to use than it is in 2004. Also, CMP really works well for me - which means that for me adding and managing content in 2006 is simpler than in 2004. Beware, though - there is a learning curve to CMP, much steeper than it should be due to the very poor and incomplete coverage it receives in the Trainz manual.

Somebody mentioned Trainz Classic - I've read in other threads on this forum that it will not have everything in it that TRS 2006 has. How reliable that info is, I'm not sure, but I will wait until I see the forum response to it before I get it - if I get it.

Welcome aboard grf21, nice to have another UK Trainz member join our little troop of simulator hobbyists. I have to admit that although I purchased MSTS several years ago, I have not used it for probably the last 4-5 years or so since I became involved with Auran's products. I enjoyed MS to a degree but found that it wasn't authentic enough for me personally, the different locomotive sounds, buildings, textures, trees/flowers, road vehicles, etc, etc on offer in Trainz is much more life-like in my personal opinion, but it all depends on whether you just want to drive your trains around the hundreds of different layouts available, or build your own routes, and are you more interested in Steam or Diesel/Electric traction ?? I would personally suggest you purchase either TRS2004 or TRS2006 first, which would give you the operational knowledge and experience to carry you forward to the future Trainz Classics and beyond.

Happy trainzing.

Cheers. ex-railwayman.
Thanks very much for all the replys - I now know a lot more about the different versions and pros and cons of the two programs. Following the advice given by some I have ordered Trainz 2006 for the super cheap price of £8. So even if the program doesnt suit me Ive not lost anything much.

My main interest is in UK diesel loco's circa mid Im looking to model with class 50's, 58's, 47's etc etc. Not sure exactly which features of Trainz I will enjoy more so just going to have a play around with it initially.

Again, thanks for your replies and Ill let you know how I get on.


CMP (Content Manager Plus) can be great and i haven't had much trouble with it. However, i've seen many people have problems with it...
Have problems with it? Mine doesn't start up, it gets the classic 'Send Error Report' message. BTW, go for 2004 if you prefer giving your drivers orders, and 2006 if you like driving.
Have problems with it? Mine doesn't start up, it gets the classic 'Send Error Report' message. BTW, go for 2004 if you prefer giving your drivers orders, and 2006 if you like driving.

well, unless you install SP1 for 06..CMP is still crap though...:hehe:
Have problems with it? Mine doesn't start up, it gets the classic 'Send Error Report' message. BTW, go for 2004 if you prefer giving your drivers orders, and 2006 if you like driving.

And when you run the TrainzDiag.exe program do any of the OpenGL sections fail? Because if they do that is likely to be the reason.

Hi all

Yes as i have said before I have had both sims, I have trainz 1.3, 2004 and 2006 and are currently running 2004.

I have to omit that some of the crashes I got with MSTS were really bad but also agree that the addons that I either downloaded my self, got a friend to get of broad brand or brought from UKTS were great, Really liked The Irish stuff, would have like to go Enterprise, Got s lots of UK, US NG ones and a couple of NZ ones as well, you have to give credit to the nice people who can build such nice stuff with such a bad interface, Tried building my self and thats why I came to Trainz, wanted to try my hand at building lines, all I succeed in doing in MSTS was a few Reskins using Paintshed for MSTS for a Fictious line Seaview, I would actually like to see some try and do some of the stuff ine it it was good work.

I have MTS which I only go back to occasionally and for an odd run such as the NIR line south from Belfast which interests me as I go there occasionally from Scotland. However what i am presently building I could never do with MTS and I am really glad all that time ago that I came across Trainz by chance. It allows someone like me to actually build something with a lot more ease than MTS ever would. That's a constructivedifference.
Why not try the Trainz demo. It is actually quite fun and will give you an idea of what the game is like. Do a google search for trainz demo 2004 and you'll find multiple spots to download it from.