I have just issued the message below to those Trainz users in the area of the show that I know of. If any other Trainz users will be in that area, I woudl be delighted to have you drop by and visit or join us. Reply to this message to alert me to your possible presence.
From May 17th through May 21st the Canadian Railway Historical Association (CRHA www.exporail.org) and the Canadian Association of Railway Modellers (CARM at www.caorm.org ) will be holding their Annual Convention on the campus of the University of Victoria in Victoria, B.C. The convention is called Pacific Rails 2007 and its website is http://www.caorm.org/Pages/convention.html
I will be attending the convention and also will be presenting two clinics on the Saturday of the convention (see the clinic schedule on their website) on Trainz.
I have also reserved a table at their associated Train Show also on the campus of the university. It will be held on Saturday, May 19th (for conference attendees only) and Sunday, May 20th (for the public as well). I have a table reserved to promote and sell Trainz at the Train Show but won’t really be able to do it unless I can get at least one of you to help by lending me a 17” or 19” CRT or LCD monitor and perhaps also joining me at the show at least for the Sunday. It will difficult for me to bring the monitor across the country as I live in Oakville, Ontario near Toronto.
There are 11 of you in Victoria (8 folks) or Nanaimo (3 folks) who have purchased the TRS2006 version of Trainz online so this would also be an opportunity for you to meet other Trainz users in the Victoria area as well as myself.
If you are interested and available to participate please respond to me by replying to this e-mail and providing your phone number so we can chat (I have free long distance so I should call you).
I hope you have enjoyed Trainz as much as I have.
I am looking forward to also vacationing on Vancouver Island after the convention. I think my wife wants us to retire there as have several of her friends.
Russ Milland
Canadian Regional Trainz Manager