Trainz Start up problems


New member
I have suddenly started to have start up problems in Trainz 2006 and Content Manager Plus.
I am getting the following Fatal Error message on start up and haven't a clue how to get round it.

Class: Hardware
Reason: Access Violation
Version: JetvRRRRR.RR Build 1234.5QQQQQ

Exception @ 004235EF in d:\program files\auran\trs2006\bin\launcher.exe

Recoverable exception: Yes

EAX:00000000 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 01E1ED18 EDX: 01E1ED18
ESP: 01E1ECE0 EBP: 004B2E70 ESI: 00000000 EDI: 022E99AC

DS: 00000023 FS: 0000003B
ES: 00000023 GS: 00000000
SS: 00000023 CS:EIP:001B:004235EF

Flags: 00010246 (CF:0 ZF:1 SF:0

Call Stack:

004235EF - 00000001(+225EF) d:\program files\auran\trs2006\bin\launcher.exe

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Jontee !

First of all : Welcome to the forum :wave:

I've had a similar problems a long time ago. It turned out that the 'intro-video' was the problem.

The solution is to insert the following line in the 'trainzoptions.txt' file :


Try it and let's hear how it turns out !

Kind regards, Al.
Thanks for your quick reply but after entering this the Fatal Error message still appears but allows you to start the programme. After about 15 seconds the welcome screen appears at one quarter size at the top of the screen- then freezes.

I have entered your instruction as :


