Trainz Screen Shots Idea Thread "Suggestion Boxcar"


Bankruptcy Blue
Hello, As many of you have seen the screen shot contest was a big sucess, in this thread, post your idea/suggestions of what you would like to see in the next contest.

Lets have a rerun but we can enter 3 pics each.can we also have it unmodified.

I didnt enter the last one as i wanted to see how many uk poeple actually posted.

Also can we have just Auran as the voters as cheeting can happen :o just another reason why i didnt enter :)
I thought the first one turned out fairly well but one suggestion I would make is let the voting be private.


sfrr: How about this:

*You run the first competition, and choose a theme.
*Members make their entries.
*You pick your 10 favourites and put them in a 7-day poll.
*The members vote their favourite.
*After 7 days the winners are announced.

*The overall winner gets to choose a new theme.

To keep it all official we should have the winner PM you their chosen theme so that you can run each event yourself., thats an absoutley FANTASTIC idea, JAMEZ001, I could also make it that if you got in one month, you are not eligble for the next month, to make it fair to others who entered :)