Trainz Intro


Copy this>>>>> -Intro=disable

into your trainzoptions.txt file located in the main trains folder..

Save it.


in which folder is trainzoptions.txt found. i found the folder with the video in it.Could you just deleted the video folder or will that mess something up?I'm reloading the game.It crashed on me after working on layout for almost 2 years so I've forgotten how somethings are done.Thanks for the help so far.
The trainzoptions.txt file should be in the C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004 folder. It should not be in the Video folder. If it's been moved into the Video folder, move it back using Windows Explorer. That shouldn't cause any problems. The Video folder should contain a file called LogoIntro.avi (this information is for TRS2004 but I think TRS2006 is the same except of course for the top folder name). I would advise against deleting the Video folder.

Edit the trainzoptions.txt file using the Notepad program. Do not use Works or Word or any other word processor program.

The -Intro=disable command can be inserted anywhere in the file but it must be on a line by itself, as must each of the other commands in the file. Be sure to copy the command precisely.

Hope this helps, John
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Depending if you have TRS2004 ...

Main folder = TRS2004

To find...Explorer/Program Files/Auran/TRS2004

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I put that in the file and it worked.thanx Is there not a place in TrainzObjects where this could be turned off?There was another way to turn it off if I remember correctly.I have TRS2004.
Yes that's right. In Trainz Objectz, click the "TrainzOptions" tab on the line just below the tollbar buttons at the top.

Use whichever method you prefer, they create exactly the same result. Trainz Objectz is compatible with TRS2004 but not with TRS2006.

Just out of curiosity, (and nearly out ideas for a post), what does TrainzObjectz look like?:D
Download it from here and take a look yourself. It's free and not a large file (less than 3MB). For TRS2004 users it is an extremely useful program, essential I'd say.

Edit the trainzoptions.txt file using the Notepad program. Do not use Works or Word or any other word processor program.

The -Intro=disable command can be inserted anywhere in the file but it must be on a line by itself, as must each of the other commands in the file. Be sure to copy the command precisely.

Actually trying to slow down the intro so I can read the tip that gets flashed up. Any ideas?
In TRS2004 the intro video is C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\Video\LogoIntro.avi

You can right-click it and open it in Windows Media Player, where you can pause it.

However, the TRS2004 version is just a nice animation of some robot-like figures. There's no hints or "tip of the day".

TRS2006 may well differ in all these respects.

No tips in the TRS2006 intro either - it just flashes up the Auran logo for a few seconds and then goes to the main menu.
