Trainz Team
This is a Trainz Discussion Forum provided by Auran for the sole porpose of discussing the software program Trainz. It is still under development and we will be adding additional features and facilities as time permits.
Please keep your posts on topic and in the relevant discussion forums. Threads and posts which violate the Code of Conduct will be removed. Off topic posts will be will be removed or relocated to appropriate areas at the descretion of the Auran appointed moderators.
If you have any questions or comments relating to moderation decisions, please contact Helpdesk.
Please keep your posts on topic and in the relevant discussion forums. Threads and posts which violate the Code of Conduct will be removed. Off topic posts will be will be removed or relocated to appropriate areas at the descretion of the Auran appointed moderators.
If you have any questions or comments relating to moderation decisions, please contact Helpdesk.