Trainz Eastern Routes: Erie Lackawanna F7 *Large Screens*


New member
I've been very buisy today! I've created another reskin. This time of the Erie Lackawanna F7. With the help of Grogstop, for the Weathering, and shots, I bring you:


The EL F7 Weathered Version


Unweathered version with F7B unit.

So, what do you think?
looks pretty good, but what program are you using? The curved lines and logo need a little work.
Thanks everyone!

Now to address the curves. I don't have Photoshop, Paintshop or any fancy thing like that. I use MS Paint. It's somewhat hard to create good looking curves. But still, other than that, the engine, in my opinion, came out great. :D

You'll just have to overlook that little minor detail. ;)

Thanks everybody!
Yeah it looks way off......LOL...I don't know...I just had to say something ;)

Your being sarcastic right? LOL Hopefully...:D

But seriously, you think its off? (Or are you trying to get a rise outta me? :eek:)

Ok, so I didn't do so well on ONE reskin, geeze. :p
Your being sarcastic right? LOL Hopefully...:D

But seriously, you think its off? (Or are you trying to get a rise outta me? :eek:)

Ok, so I didn't do so well on ONE reskin, geeze. :p

No dude...Im just messing with you....It looks really good to me :)...I just had to say that seeing that everyone was saying bad stuff about it so I just added that for ***** and giggles ;)...But it looks good to me...
No dude...Im just messing with you....It looks really good to me :)...I just had to say that seeing that everyone was saying bad stuff about it so I just added that for ***** and giggles ;)...But it looks good to me...

LOL, thats what I figured. Thanks! :D
Looks good to me....I've settled for less than authentic fonts on my skins, but I don't upload...I make them for me so it's OK by me....take the nit piks for what they are worth...nothing....:cool:
I have the authentic font on my computer so no worries.
Regardless, I'm proud to run this peace of art over my routes.

I look forward to more work from Muttsmooch.

Cheers, John B
TrainzEasternRoutes Chairman
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This unit looks great.
I'm sure the railroads were not perfect with the fonts. All they cared about
was running a smooth operation. These engines look just fine.

no expert

I'm no big train spotter, so my opinion probably doesn't mean much from a pro's standpoint, but i say that it looks great:D, and nothings perfect:), (not that i see much-any inperfection in the unit:o) besides the less $$$ the better:D. Hem-Hem:)