Trainz download station server ALWAYS full, can't get to download

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I've done everything, registered me, serial no., etc... I only ever got connected to the download station server one time (4.76 mb downloaded).
Ever since when I go to content manager and try to download it comes back the the messages, "server appears to be full." This is at all hours of the day, and I have a first class ticket.
Am I doing something wrong? My settings are through internet explorer, which worked when I first registered.
Any suggestions?
I've done everything, registered me, serial no., etc... I only ever got connected to the download station server one time (4.76 mb downloaded).
Ever since when I go to content manager and try to download it comes back the the messages, "server appears to be full." This is at all hours of the day, and I have a first class ticket.
Am I doing something wrong? My settings are through internet explorer, which worked when I first registered.
Any suggestions?

Naughty, naughty, starting yet another thread... This is Paul's pet hate you know.

Suggestions? Yes, just hang ten like everyone else. They are having some big problems with DLS at the moment and there's only 3 of them left in the Trainz-Team. I haven't been able to download anything for 2 days, not even FTP. We just have to sit this one out - sad but true.
I understand. But it is somewhat humorous. The message says that ".......the server appears full."

If I were Auran, the first thing I would check would be to see if it really is full, or if it only "appears" full - as the msg sezz. If it's a matter of appearance, it might be just a simple fix.

Sorry. Couldn't pass that one up. :hehe:
I understand. But it is somewhat humorous. The message says that ".......the server appears full."

If I were Auran, the first thing I would check would be to see if it really is full, or if it only "appears" full - as the msg sezz. If it's a matter of appearance, it might be just a simple fix.

Sorry. Couldn't pass that one up. :hehe:

Probably a canned message. It would be bad PR to have it say "It's Broke, Bloke, and we're on it!"

Hi Guys,
There seem to be a lot of members distraught about the DLS. Some say it's down, others say it's up. I personally have not been able to download anything for seven weeks, day or night. I have received some helpfull advice but have not had any success yet. I can survive however and am ever hopeful.............
I have to be honest, that when I purchased a 'First Class Ticket', it meant exactly that, 365 days of enhanced access to DLS. That's what it offered and that is what I expected - not unreasonable!!!! I'm sure if I had only paid part of the extremely reasonable fee because of technical problems, I would never have been issued with it!!!!
If it is a financial thing, I would gladly purchase a second ticket, as has been suggested in support of Auran, if only the original ticket would work. I have made contributions to web groups several times in the past to ensure survival so am not adverse to helping out when required.
My view.

All the Best - ever hopeful,

If it's been seven weeks since your last download, then you have a more serious problem. Most of us have been unable to download for close to 2 days. Anyway, a lead programmer said that it was being worked on.

Hi CasyJ,
Thanks for a speedy response. Yes there's a problem somewhere but I live in hope. Trying a few ideas that were suggested so keeping fingers crossed. Honestly, though, I've been a member for many years and have a great collection of downloads so not unduly worried. Just feeling a little cheated as unable to tap into the great new materials that just keeps on appearing.


Download Station Works Fine For Me

I downloaded todays new stuff without hitch at 5:30pm EST USA. I have TRS2004. Hopefully everyone can download soon.
I gotta say i am abit concerned about the DLS, I'm new and i've had it for a week now and it is very flakely at best for me. The DLS search page randomly (more often than not) times out

Hoping things will get better
I gotta say i am abit concerned about the DLS, I'm new and i've had it for a week now and it is very flakely at best for me. The DLS search page randomly (more often than not) times out

Hoping things will get better

The DLS seems to get its bad weeks occasionally. Generally speeking it is very good, currently auran just got thru a large re-organization of staff and such and i believe that may have someting to so with the prolonged down time of the DLS.

We could play DLS Roulette. You know, we keep trying to download and whoever actually get in wins.:hehe:

The winners will be the holders of FCTs. When it finally does go up, the bandwidth will drop inversely to the number of high speed downloads.
I feel like one of those after-christmas shoppers, camping outside Gap or some highstreet shop waiting for the first day of the sale. It's gonna be like when they open the flood gates and loadsa crazy bargain-hunting women (and a few guys) fight their way in past the guards and grab the first thing that takes their fancy. Oh the exitement!
My route is in limbo right now awaiting a few important things i forgot to download before-LOL. What are the chances it will be up tonight around 11pm EST?
I for one am going to try to stay off of the DLS for a few days, lest we overload it and make downloads speeds nearly nonexistent.
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