Trainz Classics Shots....the Good


No Friend requests please
Ny other thread highlights sone bad parts of the New Haven line, in an attenpt to be fair and balanced following are sone highlights of good parts in the sane route:

A nice station:


Highway, traffic sane direction both sides:

Nice parking conplex:

Yet another nice station area:

It's obvious they paid closer attention to line side areas:

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I hate to spoil you wheaties (for lack of a better term :hehe: ), but it's the Harlem Line. Just me being the picky jerk that I am, hahaha :p . My one beef with the product, is that the line looks too much like the Aussie outback. I was impressed with the station accuracy. Though, my other HUGE problem with this product is that everytime I go to skin a default item, the textures disapear when you go in game :confused: :eek:
I can't type "Harle ", as the " " key is issing fro y keyboard, so I call it the New Haven line.
I can't type "Harle ", as the " " key is issing fro y keyboard, so I call it the New Haven line.

Let us hope it is not your monitor Sir, that needs adjusting, because mine requires none.
The screens were taken while running one of the sessions that begins (as I recall) just before dawn. The sky is a bright, "tropical" affair, but the ground is pure mud.....the whole route......brown and lifeless and ridiculous for the area being portrayed. All this has been reported before by others.

And :'( ? Certainly not! More like :hehe: , because I received TC as a gift. I'm glad I didn't pay for such!

May the gods of humility have mercy upon YOU.

So, you lost your "M" key in the span of two hours? :wave:

EDIT: at 11:05 am CST:
Euphod said:
A few from RPT
So, you lost it in an hour and a half? :wave:
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No, silly, that's my other computer! But if you will gain happiness, I did go out to the Keyboards R Us store, and ponied up the money for another "M" key for this one. Set me back 25 cents, and it's Black, not white, but they wanted 50 cents for a white one! There's no way I was gonna put it the credit card!

Trees seem big! :)

Only the giant trees survived the flooding, it's clear that the rest of 'em got washed away. I did navigate to both ends of the route, expecting to see a big pile of trees at one of them, but they must have fallen off the edge of the baseboard.
I can't type "Harle ", as the " " key is issing fro y keyboard, so I call it the New Haven line.

Now that I know you had a missing " " I will not ask
...tenpt to be fair and balanced following are sone highlights of good parts in the sane route:
so the other batch of mud pics is the insane route? :hehe:
Nice shots! but I have to agree with tbob in that it looks very little like a Northeastern US route. It looks dead basically without foliage.

This is what the line should look like





8) I like the last pic...the girl in the blue coat, needs to be in TRs.

I think I see Cat Stevens, awaiting a train...
Nah. If it was MBTA I might consider it.

You've now shown us the good and the bad, Ed. When do we get to see the ugly.
Nice photos

They definely look better than the game, a few low poly trees would have helped a lot.

Talking about the trees in the middle of the trck, have we not seen this before?
