Trainz Classics - Paypal order


New member
Hi i have a simple question i hope but i ordered trainz classics by use of paypal and i had the confirmation email saying it was paid and all but when i check the order status at the auran shop it says pending paypal confirmation but i has already been withdrawn from my account. Also how long will it take for the game to be delivered ? I live in The Netherlands, some said who live in the UK that they received theirs within a week. Any info and help would be great.
Paypal? ugggghhh They usually take for ever to fully confirm it with the people/company you buy from.And it could take a minium of a week for the game to get to you,but pending if your town has a post office or something of the sorts(unlike lets say my town) it will take longer of course. Here it takes upwards of an extra week for something to get to my house:confused: :( For example I get stuff from my school a week after it happened:hehe: . So I stopped using paypal because they did/do take a fairly decent amount of time compared to just putting in the credit card number and then it should be ready in a couple minutes or so to ship.
ok thanks for the reply, unfortunatly i do not have a credit card so that was no option for me and yeah we got a big postoffice in town here so i gues with paypal and all i should think about 2 or 3 weeks maximum, but we will wait patiently as good as we can lol
LOL im still waiting so I can preorder mine as my profile says im only 16,we just know from experince with paypal:hehe: and we will not use it again........
just great news payment confirmed and already shipped, that is some service man that is really fast, im awaiting it's arrival within a week or so i guess.
Well good for you, I'll wait until friday or saturday until I can preorder it. But I guess it will be sent out the same day(I hope) but who knows.
Hi Alan could you please answer 1 quick question for me if possible, i have ordered classics with this new account but i also have another account that i have my Trainz 2004 registered on with serial and all, now when i get classics do i need to register it with my old account or can i register the serial on this account ? And if i register classics with this new account will i be able to download assets from the Download station that where ment for 2004 and 2006 ? And maybe if possible is there a way to change over my serial from trainz 2004 to this new account ?