Trainz classics, are all editions seperate games?


New member
I have been wondering since I now have trainz classics (railways) with the harlem line and am watching the UK edition progress. ;)

I was wondering if the UK edition is a seperate game or if it will integrate with the harlem edition. :)

Thank you in advance.
They are separate games, but original idea as explained by Auran was to be able to update any installed edition with the content and code updates from a new one. That should mean you would have one installation with content from TC1, 2 and 3 with the updated code from TC3. Your guess is as good as mine as to whether this will happen.

Im looking forward to the UK routes too. That Britania class loco is simply jaw droping to look at.:mop: :mop: :mop: :mop:

Trainz Sure has come alone way.