trainz and windows vista


New member
I have aquired a laptop with windows vista business, and I have found that I have also ended up with the UK version of TRS 2006, and it daint like vista!... I don't know if there is any difference in the versions of TRS 2006, between our Aussie version and the UK version, and you may also be wondering how I ended up with the UK versioin... I got it from a local newsagent here in Pt Lincoln. and I am not that impressed with it... there are a number of things in it that are not working satisfactorily, ie paintshed just sits there and sulks, and there are buttons/controls on it that are not there... it's a mess, and I can only suspect there are conflicts between it and vista... The first copy I bought somehow became damaged around the outer rim of the DVD of it and had to be disposed of, the second verson that I have also discarded became corrupt and damaged and paintshed developed this habit of just refusing to run, and the last time I installed it, it crashed vista and I had to let the laptop go through its repair proceedure, I supsect most of these problems and very strange behaviours might have a lot to do with a conflict or series of conflicts between vista and TRS...

I have not installed any more rolling stock than what is in TRS 2006, and I do know that sometimes there is that possibility of a conflict between donwload station rolling stock and windows, In the past I have found that some dependencies have failed to show up and have caused a locomotive to give up a thread error, like in the SAR 900, when I found that I could not download one of the engine spec or special dependencies, the SAR 900 worked on my layout after I had gone through the thread error message stage....that was on my previous computer.. but TRS and Vista seem to be having a few nasty conflicts...

Any news of a Vista compatible TRS?... like say TRS2008... but we must also realize that Vista is only a temporary fill in while Bill is inventing his next version of Windows which I have only lightly heard is to be called Windows 7... Otherwise I like Vista, and there are some other nice little things in it that have prvented me from being tempted to put in the downgrade disks to go back to XP Pro...

I guess that in the meantime I should get a proper aussie version of TRS 2006 from Auran

The other main thing I definitely do not llike about my two now discarded copies of the UK version of TRS 2006, is that you have to have the disk in the drive of your computer to be able to use it, and it will not run if you take the TRS disk out. the old TRS 2004, you could take the TRS disk out of your computer and still be able to use it...

This coudl be a real pain if you wanted to go somewhere adn take your laptop wtih you, and you had either forgot your TRS 2006, or you had chosen to leave it home.

I tried making a disk image of it so that I could run it without the TRS disk, and this was when I had Vista completely crash on me, which necessitated me having to weit for Vista to repair itself. once I had let it do that, vista ran as normal again, but once again, when I re-installed TRS 2006, even though I had registered my serial No with Auran... Paintshed continued to lock up... I did turn my anti virus off too.

Aghh! Heeaallp!... Where to from here folks?....
TRS 2006 worked fine on my olc computer but I was very short on memory there, and found that rolling stock did stagger a lot worse than on the old TRS 04.... I see Auran have a complete pack now consisting of TRS 2004/2006, all the service packs to take you to 2035, and Paintshed.