Trainz and Train Spotting


Pre SP 1 in 2006 and in 04 too you could go into map mode, zoom ahead then press m again and train spot as the train went by. But now with SP1 you zoom ahead to a nice spot then press m and you are sweeptd back to the loco..:( ..

I was woundering / hoping there is something I could add to TRAINZOPTIONZ.txt to revert the game back to the way it used to be...

Anyone know if it is possable.

You're mistaken. The camera going back to the train after exiting map mode was an "improvement" added to TRS2006 when it was first released. Supposedly requested by people that flew around the map, then go lost, when all they had to do was press Ctrl+1, or 2, whatever that their driver's position in the list was. No cure, except using Alt+y or Alt+u, I forget which, and try to get to the spot you liked.