Trainz 2017 - diesel fuel?


New member
Hello. I have the "coal mine" object and it produces coal every so often but also uses up "diesel fuel" every so often.
So I cannot find any object that creates diesel fuel so I can fill up tanks and deliver fuel to the coal mine.
Help please!
I have had the same issue, my solution although cumbersome works - there is a built in refinery asset that will produce diesel (kuid:-25:671) but that will need an oil field to supply crude oil (kuid:-25:670). Both these assets are large and require much space which is not always available in the route and routing the tracks so as to look reasonable is difficult. The only other solution I can think of is to use the Multiple Industry asset (kuid:-25:73) which is also a built in.
Hope this helps
You can also use "diesel refueling depot" Kuid2:86105:2800:4 ----BI fuel kuid2:30671:27206:2 and place some oil assets around it .
Thank you for the replies. I notice you guys give some sort of GUID - how am I supposed to find things based on that id? I tried finding these items and a couple of them I could not find searching on names.
Thanks again!
The easy way?

Take a few diesel tank cars and do a instantLoad command.

Works also perfect with Portals.

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Hello. I have the "coal mine" object and it produces coal every so often but also uses up "diesel fuel" every so often.
So I cannot find any object that creates diesel fuel so I can fill up tanks and deliver fuel to the coal mine.
Help please!
hey there. maybe i can help. to get diesel fuel i first put down "oil field basic kuid:25:86". i did not find it in the download station though, only in the content manager. idk why. then you can bring tank cars in to pick up "crude oil" from the oil field. from there you can take them to "oil refinery kuid:25:671". it will then turn the crude oil into diesel fuel, aviation fuel and petrol. which you can then pick up on another track and bring it to the coal mine to fuel the mining equipment. then at the coal mine, you can take the coal to the power station to make electricity. hope that helps!;)