Trainz 2009


Well-known member
Was just looking at the Trainz collection in Dick Smiths & on the inside cover it shows all the different Trainz games.It shows 2006 plus all the add on routes then Trainz classics 2 then 3 which is the last classics shown. Then goes onto TRS2009 as the next version.
Is classics the last ?
Is TRS2009 next in line?

Hi all,

This was done by marketing the dotted line was to represent into the future and releases in between. TC 3 is next and what we are doing after that is not decided yet we have a few ideas that we are working on at the moment and when we have come to a decision we will announce it.

All the best

Thanks for the response Aidan. Whatever the future holds, I hope dual and quad core support is in there. Best wishes to you and the Auran team. Hang in there:wave:
Hi all,

This was done by marketing the dotted line was to represent into the future and releases in between. TC 3 is next and what we are doing after that is not decided yet we have a few ideas that we are working on at the moment and when we have come to a decision we will announce it.

All the best


Just making the line solid to TRS2009 will do


Hi Aiden,
As a route creator I try to consider all those people who have bought Trainz from say 2004 and are happy with it and don't feel a need to upgrade to later versions. This means I stay with 04 as a workbase because later programs are not backward compatible (it seems, or at least easily so). If I move to a later version then all the old Trainzers are going to dip out.
So maybe backward compatibility is as important?
Personally I have run Trainz right from Trainz, but never registered them. Henke suggested I moved to UTC when that was the bee's knees, which I did, but went on to buy TRS2004 when that came onto the market. That was a great improvement and I have found it to be relatively stable in most things. Oh yes, it gets in a Paddy now and then, but on the whole it's quite placid..... lol.

Still working on the second section of the WCL... WCL2 from where the first section ended running through to the other side of Westbury in Wiltshire. Not sure how many miles that is, but it is a fair distance.


I agree with Angelah

Backward compatibility is important. I can't move forward from TRS2004 until this issue is resolved. Cost of the game is not the issue. The issue is the hundreds of hours I spent building routes that may or may not work with TC or TRS2006.

I am still hoping someone will make a third party utility that will configure assets forwards and backwards in Trainz verisons. Auran made a decision to force a clean up of assets TRS2006 and TC. TRS2004 would run assets that were not configured properly whereas TRS2006 and TC would not. The reason was to improve performance. If someone could make a utility that would not only reconfigure assets forwards and backwards but would clean up the sloppy configs than I would buy every version of Trainz after TRS2004.
Of course, you could roll up your sleeves and fix some yourself. Or you could continue to wait for a magic wand to be waved.

My biggest hope for Trainz 2009 isn't with Trainz at all, but with the Content Manager and Download Station.

I would like Auran to straighten out its database routines and add in the ability to pay for payware content through the Manager itself. Payware creators win as they don't have to pay for bandwidth, Auran wins as it would get a distribution fee, and consumers win as they get a centralized depot for content.

Auran also needs to add in user ratings systems and a less restricted upload and review process, allowing faster content uploads rated by the community.


Auran has to disallow uploading content with refrences to KUIDs not in the upload itself or on the station. Enough of the ferreting out kuids all over the internet headaches. By taking on the payware community, Auran can justify consolidating the entire KUID database.

I think I asked for this in 2004...