Trainz 1860ish Classics....Looking for Interested Trainzers


Oct 01 Ver 1.1 owner
As you have seen on "Steam and Sail" Things are moving along nicely YES THEY WILL BE FREEWARE
Gmax is not the problim here but any of you that went from Trainz to Gmax/Trainz knows you never get time for layout creation..I cant get past a few boards or a test screen board LOL .......
For the Talented Layout creators amonst us I take my hat off Whoa you guys never cease to amaze me So I was wondering if anyone would like to form a group and recreate the past in trainz There is interaction between trainz and wagonz shipz just Imagion 2 layouts connected by sea a few island ports on the way to collect goods?
I think hope it appeals to the narrowguagersout there as one of the wagons will handle logs as well as a dock for logs (FOR EXPORT)
So I am looking for Layout creators/Beta testers I have lots of Toys ready ay 80to90% ingame ..............."But Wait ......There's MORE!" Certian Shipbuilders amongst us have interestests in the 1920's (Trampsteamers).....Rail/Old Truckz delivering the Goods ..
So 2 Worlds need to be Created one in the 1800's and the Early 1900's
A Call Goes out For people to put their Thinking caps On Anyone doing a layout might like to add "Elvenors Wagon Road" just incase .
Who's interested in the Concept of a Group?
Feedback Please.....................
Can You Imagion the Layout..........................................
I'm in....I think it's a great idea, and I have something I've been sitting on for awhile that would be a perfect port o call!

I also suggest a module that uses waterfall effects to duplicate the giant whirlpool "at the end of the world".....

Well there you have it Community Pencil and Myself will make the content we just need creative layout creators play with our Content on LOL I get Dizzy going Round and Round on the Test Board :D
Thats why I thought I would Throw this open to the Community I have a start about 20 boards half painted goes up river in the UK from the Docks to Chatham turns around returns via the Dock then out to Sea towards a Island through Reefs then on to the USA part I hope I will Gladly send to anyone for a look at the idea I have tried to use DLS and Built in content but there might be a few that got through (Textures) But I am No Route builder/world creator.
I could only imagine the layouts if TPR picked up the ball for the USA leg or a great UK Broad guage Docks .....DROOL! DROOL!
Maybe some sort of webspace could be created for the Group?
So if you are Interested Post here (Dont say your interested just to get Beta') only poeople who contribute will be on the beta list.
We have alot of Toys just waiting to make this world come alive.
I guess its like all dressed up and no where to go LOL!
I'm thinking almost anyone could contribute a module to this project. Using an invisible track for the ships, each route only needs some sea, an incoming portal and an outgoing portal and some docks.

Imagine the port's'o'calls you could visit.....tropical islands for spice and sugar cane, imposing granite cliffs guarding hidden harbors protected by the local Nazy, small settlements in the new world, ice choked reaches at the roof of the world, exotic locales, dangerous pirate enclaves.......the list goes on and on. Some may not even have a railroad serving the port, some may.....NG or standard gauge.....I'm stoked!

Hi Euphod,Pencil and dreddman

I'm afraid I am too busy to help with this in a big way but I had a thought while reading through these posts. Could you have a ship, loadable and unloadable, go through an iportal on invisible track?? If that is possible it could open up all sorts of things. For instance all layouts would not need to have the same rolling stock only the same ship. Some could be standard gauge some could be narrow gauge it would not matter, if one person loads the ship on his layout, then another person unloads the ship when it arrives on his layout. If you think about it all manner of things could develop.

This seemed to be a worthy project. What happened?

This seemed to be a worthy project. What happened? If anything?
Hmmm, I wonder if I can still do things in surveyor. I think I did an "Old West" themed layout quite sometime ago. I'll give it a whirl and see hwo I go.


I don't know, but I'm still willing to lend a hand!

As am I!
I have since put a sample dock on the DLS that will transfer material between ships and rail / road (124060:28020:1) - any regional or cargo varients should be simple to do.
LOL I thought this thread had gone belly up and died................:eek:
Glad it hasnt it just seems the average Trainzer cant see past the tracks LOL!..........But as a few know there are many ships sailing the sea's of trainz. I thought there were a small few interested in this concept? judging ny the responses to screens of ships in the Trainzworld.
I have lots of things hovering around 80% finished (ingame) Whec has some great ships close to sliding down the slipway. As I said I need your help & ideas I.m usless in suveyor I burnout after a few boards and want to retreat back to gmax.
What we need is to form a group and find somewhere to chat exchange ideas ...........share betas and concept ideas ..and find someone willing to create a layout LOL.
I am going to post a yousend it download link here later to a small western layout with a railroad and driveable road and a dock i will post the dock cdp as well everything well 90% should be on the DLS I designed it for my cavalry to run around in LOL You will need a ship the Steamclipper KUID2:13013:9690004:1 is on the DLS Have a look and post what you think of the idea........................
Back soon with the link
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