Trains have horns in TRS2004?

1. Use both your hands
2. Form a "cylinder" with both hands.
3. Place the cylinder in front of your mouth
4. Say: "HONK HONK" real loud
I am sorry I don't have any other solutions for you.

If TRS04 is like TRS06 then I suggest you try to find rail side objects that are scripted as a trigger. When a AI train passes the trigger it will blow its horn. There are a number of these built-in in TRS06 but I don't know about TRS04.
Hello Plugheater, if you look on the DLS for kuid 66277:80001, its a Driver Command Pack for TRS2004 which includes sounding a horn, I must admit to never using it personally, but it's the only rule I remember seeing for sounding horns in TRS04 from memory.

Good Luck.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:
Yeah, I have came to the same conclusion myself. All the same thanks Zwabberaar for cheering me up!:hehe: Cheers. Dave!
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