Train will not go above 18mph!


New member
I am incredibly frustrated with the new route I am building in that the consist (A standard BR Diesel with three coaches) will not go above 18mph.
The track is perfectly straight and stretches over 3 boards with just two loops at each end to accomodate two stations.
I have used standard track on wooden sleepers.
I have read all previous posts about increasing speed but none work.
Why Oh why will my little train only dawdle along at 18mph.
Please help me get up some speed!
Thank you.
Best Wishes
Sorry I forgot to saythat I mean will not go above 18mph when controlled
by a driver ie in AI mode.
When I take control I can get up to the speed limit which for some reason
is preset at 40mph.
How is this limit of 40mph set? - Is it some sort of default?
If so how can you change it?
Thank you.

Hello again, Edward

You don't say what suggestions you've tried, but it sounds like you missed this one:

Unless you set a speed limit, a line defaults to 40 mph. If the AI does not detect a signal ahead, or the next point on the route is set against your train, it will run your train at half the speed limit (with no limit set, this will be 20mph or about 18!).

Try setting a higher limit using the speed limit signs and place some signals along your route. Hopefully, this will improve the performance of your diesel and three coaches.

Good Luck!

Wow - What a great forum this is for Newbies!
I quickly placed a 100mph sign alongside my track (Just going to the extreme) and would you believe my train is now rocketing along at 70mph!
Best wishes
Ok, so the next question then is, if the speed sign says 100, and according to his earlier post, a long track with presumably nothing else, why is he only able to go 70mph.

Limit of the engine and cars??? (and if so, how might I determin this inadvance?)

Pretty new at this myself, and just wondering.
It's under AI, so that may be as fast as the program thinks is safe for conditions.
By the time it reaches 70, the program may be reading the next stop and preparing for it.
A lot of the fun in Trainz is coming up with clever ways to outwit the artificial stupidity and making it do what you want.:D

:cool: Claude
It's under AI, so that may be as fast as the program thinks is safe for conditions.
By the time it reaches 70, the program may be reading the next stop and preparing for it.
A lot of the fun in Trainz is coming up with clever ways to outwit the artificial stupidity and making it do what you want.:D

:cool: Claude

I can't believe how stupid this entire topic is. Outwitting the AI? Sounds like the AI has soundly defeated the participants of the topic. Proper use of signals will permit track speed with out "outwitting" the AI. Remember computers are only as stupid as the person sitting at the keyboard. Garbage in, Garbage out.
It may seem stupid to you my friend but remember everyone has to start somewhere.
I have only had this software for a few days and am still wading through the manuals.
You obviously have forgotten what it is like to be new at this game!
you're right efelstead. We've got to start somewhere. I was a newbie at one time and I'm sure that I asked a lot of questions that some thought stupid. There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. The forum is here to help one another and that's what we should stick to doing.
On the original question, previous posts were correct. The AI is reading a blocked junction or track ahead or there is a signal problem. If you have no signals in the route, add some proper signalling and I suspect that your problem will be solved. The default speed limit without posted limits is 40 mph.
weird my defalut is 65 miles per hour. and just to stick with the topic thats starting "whos the fool the fool or the fool that follows?" im a newie and aperently some people dont see that. i still have a lot of questions unanswered.
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In the absence of any speed limit signs, the default speed limit is set at 40mph. If you have no signals on the track, the program detects the end of the track and assumes itself to be running on a section signalled at "caution" (the end of the track being "stop"). An AI driver will always drive at one half of the speed limit on passing a distant signal at caution and just for good measure, will run a couple of miles an hour slower than that, hence your 18mph.

Get some signs and signals on your layout to speed things up a bit.
The reason why your trains won"t go over 18 MPH is really simple - you haven"t got enough signals.If you have less than three signals on a section of line (I think its between physical junctions with another line) the AI will restrict trains to 18 MPH.Try stick a few more signals in and it"ll work like magic !:cool: :cool: :cool:
When I take control I can get up to the speed limit which for some reason
is preset at 40mph.
How is this limit of 40mph set? - Is it some sort of default?
If so how can you change it?

Look at the config.txt in the enginespec for the loco. The motor section has a line ..Maximum speed xx which specifies the maximum speed in meters per second for DCC mode. You can edit this value to change the max speed.

Hi efelstead,
I had a similar problem. In AI the train only had a max-speed of 12 km/h. Then in the forum found the suggestion to RAISE the "mass" in the config.txt of th eloco - multiplying it with about 10 (perhaps some experimenting).
IT WORKED! (for me).
For a beginner it might be difficult to find the config.txt of that loco. If you have TRS2004 it is easy by using TrainzObjectz (a MUST for all TRS2004). If you have 2006 and can not locate the file, ask here - certainly someone can help you.
Hi efelstead,
I had a similar problem. In AI the train only had a max-speed of 12 km/h. Then in the forum found the suggestion to RAISE the "mass" in the config.txt of th eloco - multiplying it with about 10 (perhaps some experimenting).
IT WORKED! (for me).
For a beginner it might be difficult to find the config.txt of that loco. If you have TRS2004 it is easy by using TrainzObjectz (a MUST for all TRS2004). If you have 2006 and can not locate the file, ask here - certainly someone can help you.

This does work, but it should be a last resort when the signals and speed sign options have been exhausted. It's sometimes necessary due to a bug in the Trainz physics that don't account very well for very light locos (or trams for instance). The Class 37 in real life would struggle to reach 100mph in any case (someone will come along with facts in a minute I suspect), and I believe 70mph is a fairly realistic service speed for these locos.

Just remember that if a signal is orange/yellow a train will only travel at half speed. So if you want to get trans going at good speeds when there is another train infront of it alow for 1.5 normal speed when placeing speed signs.