Train Vs. Pedestrian: 1 Dead, 1 Injured.


33 Year Old Railfan

The following two videos featuring a pedestrian getting hit by a train. In the first video, the pedestrian was crossing a railroad crossing in a no train horn zone and texting while crossing the tracks. The video, in the next post, features Amtrak's Silver Star hitting and killing a person crossing the tracks. The first video also features idiots also trying to beat the train, along with a news report about the accident at the end of the video. The second shows the scene of the accident, along with police and fire department at the scene. Worth noting is that the guy who created both videos also feature three more videos of Amtrak's Silver Star hitting cars on the tracks. I posted these unsettling videos because these videos are a warning to those who want to beat the train across the tracks, and to those among us who try to beat the train across the tracks to get the best pictures or the best videos.

Video about the pedestrian texting while crossing the tracks:
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Video 2: Death at the Tracks


And now the aftermath of the pedestrian getting killed by the Silver Star.

I'm subscribed to this guy and have corresponded with him offline. He's pretty smart and a good train fan.

Back to topic. Part of the problem too is trains are becoming more common and people are not used to them being around, and people don't pay attention to their surroundings since they are absorbed in whatever they are doing. The problem is the media blows this out of proportion and blames the railroad and the families will go after the train engineer, which only makes their job more difficult and the burden is on them forever after the incident.

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One would think the opposite, that if they, trains, were becoming less common, then people would not know what they were or how they behave. If I saw trains everyday and noted how they move and don't stop on dimes, I would know enough to keep out of their way.

Agree with the media sentimentalization, it sells as well as people generally blaming others for their own stupidity. Had a recent example where a woman was trespassing in a railyard, slipped and got her legs cut off at night. Only the cold prevented her from bleeding to death as she lay all night by the tracks until discovered the next morning. Then had the nerve to blame the railway for her misery.
I'm subscribed to this guy and have corresponded with him offline. He's pretty smart and a good train fan.

Back to topic. Part of the problem too is trains are becoming more common and people are not used to them being around, and people don't pay attention to their surroundings since they are absorbed in whatever they are doing. The problem is the media blows this out of proportion and blames the railroad and the families will go after the train engineer, which only makes their job more difficult and the burden is on them forever after the incident.


I completely agree with you John.
As this is a family forum, could the mods consider whether it is really appropriate to display links to what are presumably (I haven't looked personally) clips of people being struck by trains? It's bad enough that YouTube permits such material to be broadcast but it is bordering on "snuff" and should be subject to the same infractions as posting links to porn.
As this is a family forum, could the mods consider whether it is really appropriate to display links to what are presumably (I haven't looked personally) clips of people being struck by trains? It's bad enough that YouTube permits such material to be broadcast but it is bordering on "snuff" and should be subject to the same infractions as posting links to porn.


No worries. The links don't show anything. The first link is the YouTube author discussing the accident and a bit of an interview with the local TV channel.

The second video just shows the police activity from across the road and nothing more.

Fair do's John, but the OP's description kind of gave the impression these were graphic images so perhaps the mods could still consider how really appropriate they are on the forum.

Having been a passenger on several trains involved in fatalities it is not a pleasant experience or sight, on the last occasion although off duty, as I work for the railway assisted the traincrew including trying to fix the damaged air pipes on the front of the loco (to no avail as it needed a fitter). Then sat with the driver until we were able to get going again and stayed with him in the cab until we got to a location where he could be relieved. As you can imagine, the front of the train and underneath the loco were not in a nice state.

The other issue is whether there is even a need for these types of post in the first place? Fatalities on the railway are not uncommon, there are usually 2 or 3 a week sometimes more on the UK rail network and just about any railway system in the world gets its share of suicides or trespass mishaps. Media policy generally is to play down these incidents as any sort of publicity is deemed to possibly encourage those who might be thinking of ending it all, as pointing them towards a means of achieving that end.
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I'm with Vern on this one. As much as we like to make these sims prototypical, I think this is one part of real life that should not be simulated. And that goes for all the requests to have more realistic crashes. Call it what you want but I for one don't need or want my hobbies to be that true to life. It's bad enough that accidents happen, no need to dwell on them thank you very much.