Train Races Tornado

As someone commented. they could have held their ground, but the real danger would be from debris flying into the train and derailing it.
Great find! There's a companion video from the same guy of them running parallel to the tornado as it goes through an Indiana town.
"Whoa! check it out man, its hitting everything!"
"I know, thats why i'm getting the hell outa here!"


Nice find. I got scared when the train passed the wagons. I would like to know what happened next.

Hope the train on the like to the right of that was ok.

What I would have done was got out of the locomotive and get in that locomotive and just well drive it at full speed away from the tornado.
You know, that could make for an interesting "time based" scenario. Have a locomotive crew have to outrun a tornado. Perhaps the goal being to get to a certain tunnel at a certain time, but to do it safely.