Train doesn’t stop in bloksysteem

In the bloksystem trains have to stop before a red Signal. The red/green change is automatical. One would expect the stopping of a train is automatical too. But a train doesn’t stop. Does any one know why, or what is the solution?
Hoi Carel, I made my model trains design in TRS19 and used the standard dutch gjvh signals for blocks
trains stop and go as expected.
What version of trainz and what signals you use?
greetings GM
Hoi G.M.

I apologise for my late reply. As you can see here, there is another person too, who I had to answer. In the meantime I tried to find a solution myself for both problems. With the other problem I succeeded. With this problem I didn’t. I can’t find the version number, you asked for, but I can tell you I have Trainz plus, the last version, I can give you the buildnumber: 1282886. I hope it is enough information about the version I use.

What of the signals: I use a two lights signal, model JR SL (06d) 2-H center 20 ft with the yellow color of the upper light and red of the second light and both lights red along the passing signal, and one light green ahead according to the block system. For the time being I stil have a lot of problems with the blocksystem due to 2 passing tracks I have in my test oval. In that case the system doesn’t alway react in the right way. But perhaps you have no objection discussing it in Dutch by email, because we both are Dutch and for me it is easier to write in my mothers tongue.

Kind rsgards
Carel Richters