Tracks disappearing


New member

i just started using Trainz and have been making my map for a couple days now, but yesterday I was adding some stuff to the map and the topography tools just stopped working, all the other tools still worked. I restarted my computer and then all the tracks I had layed before they stopped working had just disappeared, but everything else I had done was there that I had done that day, including the tracks from the day before. Now when I edit the map half the time the tracks are there, but topography tools don't work, other half the topography tools work, but the tracks are gone from that day. Again all the other tools work and everything else I did that day is there.

Any help would be appreciated!


Welcome to the Forums.
First off, it's best that you register the serial number you used when you installed Trainz. This will show up next to your username. This will make it easier for someone to help you. I had a similar problem with the track disappearing, but no problems regarding the tools.
Does it help if I tell you that I have TS12? I won't have access to my computer until tomorrow, then I can get the serial number.
Try contacting the Helpdesk. They may be able to help.

Oh and also, try contacting Shaneturner12, who's also on the Forums; he could help you out better than me.