Track Plans for St. Pete, Florida.


Hi all..I wanted to play around with laying track using a real track system. I wanted to do the tracks in the Saint Petersburg, Pinellas County area of Florida. Does anyone know where I might find this? Or does anyone have this info I could get from them? It is the CSX line. Thanks for any info..Keithmj:D
Hi keithmj

I've done the terrain from Tarpon Springs down through Clearwater and to St Petersburg. It's a huge file and needs to be trimmed. If you can wait til after the holidays in a week or so I can get it ready for you. Why don't you email me and we can talk that way.


Also, to show St Pete and zoom to the 4th button below the max and you'll see the CSX trackage starting at Tropicana Field. The map will have a scale so you can measure lengths.


Also, to show St Pete and zoom to the 4th button below the max and you'll see the CSX trackage starting at Tropicana Field. The map will have a scale so you can measure lengths.


Hi..This is what I am looking for but it doesn't show any of the branches, just the main line or what is left of it..It branches east and west of the Trop..Cheers..Keithmj:D
Try In hybrid mode (satellite and map) it shows actual trackage as well as buildings and trees in the max zoom mode.


Edit: This is even better showing clearer views of the trackage to the West.

Thanks..What I can do is use the satellite views and then go into Microsoft streets and trips to get the latitude and longitude and use these in the sim to get the tracks setup the way I want them. I might be off a little bit but not much..Thanks everyone..Cheers..Keithmj:D
I have had a chance to go back and trim the terrain map for Pinellas County a bit. It extends from Tarpon Springs down to St Petersburg on the west coast of Florida, and shows the old Sea Coast and Atlantic Coast Lines, now CSX (and Amtrak).

The tiger data on the rail lines was a bit spotty, so you will need to use USGS maps while you work in some areas. You will need to have HOG textures installed to see the tiger data.

Tyler Bishop (Flamerail) has been nice enough to host this map on his Trainz Locomotive Works website in the downloads section. (It was too large for the DLS) You can get it here

Check out his new Forum while you are there.

Thanks..I'm checking it out now. Can you tell me what these are and where to get them..
"You will need to have HOG textures installed to see the tiger data". I'll let you know how this goes..Cheers..Keithmj:D

In case you are looking for a payware solution which combines a USGS DEM, automatically acquires 1:24k USGS topo maps, allows the overlay of Google Earth images, and creates a Trainz route maps with a few mouse clicks, you might think about using TransDEM.

Tampa/St.Petersburg area in 1:500k, with a 30m SRTM DEM in TransDEM:


Zoomed in to Clearwater, 1:24k topo map, Google Earth images, DEM:


Result in TRS2004 Surveyor after letting TransDEM generate the map:


Can you tell me what these are and where to get them..

TIGER data is simply map data prepared by the US Census Bureau and updated every year. It is used as an overlay map on the terrain created by the HOG program. The map lines use ground texture colors called HOG textures that come with the HOG program. There are five small files that make up the program and you install them in order.

You can download them here

(This is a cached page, but it still works as I just downloaded two of the files to check)

You need the HOG textures installed in order to see the map on the terrain.