Todays Birthdays


TrainzDiag troubleshooter
Hi all I noticed at the bottom of the main forum page two birthdays listed
Ok Auran so why is mine not there,and I did not even get a message from them?
after all it is today and I have been a member since 2002 so I think someone should know
Go to your user CP/edit profile and where it says date of birth but in the date and where it says privacy, click on display age and date of birth.
To robin_hoods you go,

Happy Birthday.

But as a community, we must react quickly and blame Auran for this terrible injustice. No doubt it is all due to their recent announcements and financial circumstances.:D

No doubt that other ex-trainzers will jump on the band wagon to blame Auran for this horrible failure....:)

Again.....Happy Birthday and belated birthdays to all.

Have fun.
Last edited: you go,

Happy Birthday.

But as a community, we must react quickly and blame Auran for this terrible injustice. No doubt it is all due to there recent announcements and financial circumstances.:D

No doubt that other ex-trainzers will jump on the band wagon to blame Auran for this horrible failure....:)

Again.....Happy Birthday and belated birthdays to all.

Have fun.

It's always the parent company's fault. :o

Robin_hoods, maybe you have the wrong date? Just suggesting.

But other than that, happy birthday. :)
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Thanks but I do know my own birth date and it is in my profile its just not visible to viewers of my profile.
Other years it has been displayed on the forum and I even got a message from Auran ,but not this time???
I haven't bothered to see what format birthdays are entered in, but if it's numbers and slashes, bear in mind that some parts of the world do it dd/mm/yy while others (e.g. US and Canada) do it mm/dd/yy.

Yea I messed mine up the first time I did it. I found it after a quick look over though.
I dont gte anything from Auran on my birthday either. I try to send everyone a PM about it though....

TCS Route Builder
I got my B-day message a bit late if I remember correctly. I can't remember if mine was listed on the forum.

To get your Birthday onto the Calendar
Try this go to User CP
Edit profile & check your birthday is entered along with a display option.
Then check the date on the calendar to see if it shows

Happy Birthday

For all of you having birthdays in 2008 I wish you all a HAPPY Birthday in advance and for all of you who had a birthday in 2007 a belated birthday wish.... Oh and Happy New Year everyone,,,,,:D