To the maker(s) of the NSW R-Type cars: Some classes are the wrong way around


Since 09 May 2003
To the maker(s) of the NSW R-Type cars: Most of the car codes have the wrong class

To the maker(s) of the NSW R-Type buffet cars. I've just noted that you have the car classes around the wrong way for the R-Type buffet classes.

You have RBR as 2nd & RFR as 1st, when it should be the other way around.

Edit: Just noted that this applies to all of the R-Type cars, except the HR end cars, have the classes around the wrong way.

B should be 1st class, & F should be 2nd class.

Nothing to really worry about, just letting you know.
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I've just found out that this with the classes the wrong way around does not only apply to the R-Type sets, but also the L-Type sets.

Note that the above in both cases doesn't apply to another lot of R & L type cars. Some may be the correct way, and others have the classes the wrong way around.