To the maker of the Surfside tram layout


Since 09 May 2003
Note the planned route & tram stops of a possible real light rail route here (PDF) & tram stops in red & partly in yellow from Broadbeach South to Southport, compared to the Trainz Surfside layout. Do you think they are similar?

I was actually searching through a group's website that is actually trying to stop light rail being built on Australia's Gold Coast. One person who is against it claims that light rail is an outdated mode of transport! HUHHH, WHAT outdated :confused: ??!!
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Hi There

Try this link, its a better map of just the area we are intrested in$file/map_Southport-Broadbeach.jpg

Surfside trams covers more of the area than the light rail., the local bus servies covers most of Surfside trams that could also be incuded if you wanted not to lose those area's, check the Translink site for more info.

The first stop in the orange on your map looks like it might be near the pool stop on surfside trams

It follows the Princess Highway, Then into Ferry and Cypress St, Surfers Paradise Boulvard, rejoins the highway at Aubrey St going down the centre of the road like surfside trams but goes straight ahead not turning left to Broad Beach but going to the corner of Hooker Boulvard and Pacific Fair. some stops are not near the beach as in Surfside trams and the last stop on Surfside Trams at Pacific Fair is missing.

It would be possible with lots of work maybe and perrmission to convert one to the other deleting all the extra lines only leaving the lines needed and re-postioning the stops in the right place, proby would save a lot of work than starting from scratch. if you didn'twant to extent it to incluse the North and south secions you could I spose use portals to simulate it.

You have not noticed I love the Gold Coast even only after 1 visit and are intrested in following this project. Hmmm no taxi from Coolangatta when they finally complete it, can you imagine people and luggage getting of the plane onto the light rail, it could be very intresting. The Limos at the airport would still get some work I guess for people who wanted something extra. I also guess it would mean some changes or deletions on the Translink bus services in the area as well.

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