
New member
Hey guys! I believe I asked this on the old forum, but I can't remember. I can see the TIGER lines in the mini-map but not in Surveyor. The terrain is there, just not the TIGER lines.

Can anyone help? There weren't any instructions on the download link.

Oh, one more thing, I can't find a ledgend to Fishlipsatwork's TIGET coloring scheme. Is there any?

Thank You!
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Red - Roads
Blue - Rivers
Teal (Light Blue) - Rail.

Watch out for very straight roads - the power grid is red also and has caught me out a couple of times :)

Tiger into Trainz depends on 04 or 06?

Andy :)
There is also:
Black - Political Boundaries like counties.
Green - Small Streams (haven't seen it yet on any).

Also Blue can be Shorelines depending on where you are.

What is the power grid, those big overhead towers? Or underground lines?
If they aren't showing up in Surveyor, you probably dont have the HOG textures. If i remember correctly, you can get them at Trainzluvr.net (or whatever it is :P )
Well, I've downloaded the Auora Sub by Fishlipsatwork, and someone sent me the textures which made them appear, but I think since SP1 they are gone now. The BNSF Big Horn sub is mainly prairie/grassland, not much trees or scenery. I have a lot of photos and info from Railpictures.net, Google Earth, and I can email Al Krug (A BNSF Engineer that works out of Sheridan) for info. I'm confident I can do this one, despite my repuation for ditching projects as soon as I start.

Anyways, I'll try that site, thanks Ed!

Oh... Nobody has a take on those trees?

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Hmmm... it seems that TrainzLuvr has shut down his site. I've tried the address that is listed on some of the DEMs on the DLS, which is correct. Is there any other places I can get the HOG textures?
OK - listen carefully - for the five hundredth time (gotta make this a sticky LOL)

Download textures.zip from Fishy's site here

For TRS04 unzip the downloaded file to (default install) C:/Program files/Auran/TRS04/World/Custom/Ground. The 'Ground' folder does not exist, you will need to create it. (Actually the textures only need to go into 'Ground' if you mean to use HOG - to just get Tiger lines to show up on other peoples maps, put them in Dispatcher/Downloads - keeps Custom tidier :))

For TRS06 Unzip the downloaded files to any convenient location - the desktop is fine. Fire up CMP, navigate to the unzipped files, and 'Import' and 'Commit'.

Andy :)
Along the same lines...

:cool: TrainMan, looks as if those trees are a variety of Maple, as the limbs are growing out close to the ground, and the main leaders are thick, and the leaves are large, and the summer growth is heavy...
It's hard to tell this far away.

Go to the NASA website, and find links to World Wind. The new release(bata) is v.4.1.
The images are much clearer than Google Earth. There is a search feature now added, using Yahoo! Search.

I'm sure you have found the HOG Files by now, just create a ground file in you Custom Folder.

Will keep in touch, I am working on a Big Horn Sub route. I bought the BNSF Track Charts from
RailFan Depot.
Dermmy, thank you for the instructions! Thanks Backyard, I'll hit the DLS and see what they got for trees! Most of the line from Sheridan to Hardin is high-resolution on Google Earth, so it's actually very easy. I can see where groups of trees are, and where it's just open land. But, I'll try the NASA one! Thanks!
derammy how do you unzip in 06 because i put it on my desktop and its no where in CMP.

Gezz, derammy i know how you feel now... ok what you do is open up cmp, then go to edit, then import content(its easier to put all the HOGs into one folder) then import it, after that click on the top item, then press Ctrl + A to select all, then Ctrl + M to commit them all.

I tried World Wind and I find that the resolution is actually much lower than in Google Earth. I can't even find the route. The only low-resolution areas in Google Earth are between Ranchester and Parkman. There are a lot of photos on Al Krug's site that I can use in place of Google Earth for those areas.
ive just started on a Cajon pass small DEM and was wondering whoh would like to do buildings, roads, rivers, sceanery etc... I am doing the track work so if anyone is intrestred, hey and i dont mean to hijack this thread