hi all,
I was following the following tutorial to create custom elavation maps for trainz http://freepages.misc.rootsweb.com/...oard/Topology/TerrainGeneration/Using-HOG.htm
and worked through it ok with regards to the DEM maps however i am not able to find any TIGER data maps for canada. With only the DEM layout in trainz I am not able to find where the roads are and rail line. Is there any one who knows where I could get some TIGER maps for canada and/or possibly if it is possible for me to create my own TIGER layout map from other sources...
I am getting sooo much closer to creating my provinces rail line and hate when I get a snag like this... please help someone.
I was following the following tutorial to create custom elavation maps for trainz http://freepages.misc.rootsweb.com/...oard/Topology/TerrainGeneration/Using-HOG.htm
and worked through it ok with regards to the DEM maps however i am not able to find any TIGER data maps for canada. With only the DEM layout in trainz I am not able to find where the roads are and rail line. Is there any one who knows where I could get some TIGER maps for canada and/or possibly if it is possible for me to create my own TIGER layout map from other sources...
I am getting sooo much closer to creating my provinces rail line and hate when I get a snag like this... please help someone.