Tiger Data


New member

It's been a while since I've Downloaded Tiger Data. Could Someone Direct me to the Site where i could get these Critters from :-)
How do you tell what you're getting?

Is there a map somewhere that shows which file I need for which area?
It's easy if it's just one file for the city you're modeling, but how do you know which file to use if you're modelling a location between major cities, or if there are multiple files surrounding one city?

:cool: Claude
G'day Tokkyu40,

According to Wewain's tutorial, here...


...there is a map on the appropriate web site that divides the US into states, from which you select the state you require. That then opens a linked list to the various major town areas (from which you select the one appropriate to your needs), that opens a list of the various datasets that are available for that area. From this list, you select, as shown, the "US censor Bureau TIGER/Lines files." That should keep you busy for a while.

Jerker {:)}
TIGER data is identified and offered on a county basis. Some outfits offer it bundled per state but that costs $ and the files are still by county. To get it for the East Broad Top RR I'm modeling I have to look under the state of Pennsylvania and then dl Huntingdon, Franklin and Fulton counties. How do I know that - I have a map with the rail route and the county divisions on it.

Most any state map should indicate the county divisions on it and if the rail route isn't shown you can get the ones you need by picking them from the towns served (which you should have from researching the route) and the counties in between.

Bob Pearson
The best reference maps I know to locate US railroads and tie them in with County names (for TIGER Data) and USGS Quad names (for DEM Data) is the USGS National Map Viewer here.

Be patient, it is a slow page!

Use the 'Find Place' menu button on the left panel to zoom into a county you know the line runs through, then on the right hand side menu buttons:

Under 'Topographic Maps' tick 'Index Status' and '7.5 Minute Index' - that will bring up the Quad names.

Under 'Boundaries' check 'County' and both sub-menu items - that will bring up the County names.

Under 'Transportation' check 'Railroads' and both sub-menu items - no prizes for guessing what that shows :)

After selecting the menu options from the right hand side menu, click the 'Refresh Required' button at the foot of the right-hand menu panel.

That should do it. You should now have all the info you need to get the correct DEM and/or Tiger data......

Andy :)
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...Under 'Topographic Maps' tick 'Index Status' and '7.5 Minute Index' - that will bring up the Quad names...

Andy :)

Yes, thank you, that was exactly what I needed.:D Now I can see what I need for my project (and what I didn't need to download) so it's time to try to learn HOG.

:cool: Claude

If you are getting DEM or Tiger data for international locations, you can follow your route by coordinates. These can be found out by going to your routes location on google earth, or flash earth etc. Download the closest coordinates to your route, then when in Microdem, choose your exact coodinates from the DTED files you've downloaded.

This worked for me. As no tiger data is available for the UK (or is it?) I spent ages making base maps from multimap etc to map out your roads and rails etc.

Good luck.

Ever considered just doing WMS maps onto an SRTM1 DEM in TranzDEM, importing the WMS maps as UTM tiles for the board, and using that instead? I find it works much easier.
