this is what im looking for


New member
i have trainz 2004 & 2006 im looking for somthing more simple
a passanger train in a city thats can drive from here to there .
is driver is the one to get for it ? is it going to work inside trs2006 ?

i have trainz 2004 & 2006 im looking for somthing more simple
a passanger train in a city thats can drive from here to there .
is driver is the one to get for it ? is it going to work inside trs2006 ?

Not quite sure what you are getting at here? It's very simple in 04 to drive from 'here to there' by using 'Drive...' or 'Drive to ....' commands. You don't have to do anything else so how simple is that?

If you want to drive the train yourself that option is also available.

Perhaps you could explain your wishes a little better?

in train z 2006 not to many passangers driving from city to city like nyc to dc there is a trainz driver mayby thats better , i know like mts has driving
in citys now you get what im looking for ?
If Angelah understand either of your posts I certainly hope she will translate it for the rest of us. Perhaps you could try sign language?
i download her Cranby New Town and install it but i dont see it in driver ?

what i was saying is very clear . im looking for a rail sim thats has routs
for passanger trains like going from new york to washington d.c. or any other towns & citys in the usa . what do i need to get this kind of program . trs2006 dont have many city routs . now u get my point .
Trainz Driver is a cut down demo version of TRS2006, sold at a lower price. It doesn't include Surveyor or any means to create or install additional content. If you already have TRS2004, TRS2006 or Trainz Classics/Trainz Railwayz/Trainz Railways, then Trainz Driver will offer you nothing.

As I understand it, you want to drive between railway stations within the same city, for example running commuter services. Let us know if that's correct and maybe somebody can suggest an appropriate layout that you could try.

i have trainz 2004 & 2006 im looking for somthing more simple
a passanger train in a city thats can drive from here to there .
is driver is the one to get for it ? is it going to work inside trs2006 ?

There are commuter rail layouts available on the DLS that will run in TRS2006. You may find it easier to purchase a first class ticket to easily download the dependencies which will be needed.

If your interest is in US then search for US layouts.

You could purchase TC which I think has the US Harlem commuter rail line. Then you wouldn't need to download anything.

Cheerio John