This can't be a new problem


New member
Be patient with this newbie.

I have built a major portion of a road. This AM I located several items (planes) DL'ed them and the program said therre were no errors or dependancies for them. I reopened Surveyor, located the planes and placed them on the field.

All seemed to be OK. I saved, went to do something else and when I tried to open my new route in driver I got a message that I believe basically said "Your screwed." I tried to reopen surveyor and got the same message. When I checked the assets, I found several of the planes now have an error.

Have I just committed a "fatal error?"

Can I delete the planes somehow and access the route that I have spent some serious time over?

How do I keep from screwing this up again?
The error message I get in Surveyor is in Italian, I believe. The error mesages I get when looking at the assets in CMP are variations of "Could not load texture or Primary and alpha texture not same.

Just after I loaded the planes, I accessed them in Surveyor and placed them on the site. After closing the program. I was unable to reopen and saw the warning message telling me to go somewhere and do something. Unfortunately, being from Texas I have a hard enough time understanding English
Is the screen in Italian black with white text? --EDIT-- If so, choose the top choice, which in the english version is "load the map anyway" (had to check the game to make sure it was the top one.)
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Thanks for your help

What is the procedure for fixing the errors on the planes? Do I delete and reload?
That's one thing I dont' know, but I do know that deleting and reloading probably won't solve the issue. Most likely it is a problem with the original assets, but I don't know for sure. Usually just loading the map anyway will have no bad effect. The map will still work, but the planes may look a little weird.
Has anyone else had this problem? (addressed to anyone who might view this thread.) What planes are they? I may just DL them and see if I get the same error.
Here's a couple things you can try:

1) Start TRS, open Surveyor, select your route, use the "Load anyway" option, and delete the planes from your route. Exit TRS, restart your 'puter, restart TRS, re-open Surveyor and then your route to see if you can do all that without weird error messages. If that doesn't work...

2) Open CMP and disable the planes. Do that by right-clicking on each asset in question and selecting the "disable' option. This will make it appear to TRS as thought you do not have those assets. Start TRS, Surveyor, and your route, using the "load anyway" option. In the upper left corner of the Surveyor screen select the menu drop-down and select the "delete missing objects" option. Save the route, exit TRS, restart TRS and open Surveyor and your route.

Hopefully one of those two tricks will get TRS back on track for you (Pun intended). If I understand your situation correctly, TRS used to talk to you in English, but all of a sudden started talking to you in a foreign language and giving weird error messages? If so, something has gotten corrupted somewhere. You might try deleting the assets.tdx and assets.bku and letting CMP rebuild your asset database. That might just fix the problem, but you might be looking at a re-install of TRS. Try the above two options, and post back with the results before you do anything else. Rest assured: there is nothing you can do (other than breaking your installation CDs) that can't be fixed somehow.

As far as fixing the planes assets, we'll need more info to get into that. Try to get TRS running right first.
Congrats!!! You are no longer a newbie!!! You just successfully overcame your first (of many) traumas involving Trainz.

Post the kuids of the planes and we'll see if anyone can come up with any ideas on how to fix those.