Theatre signals UK


New member
I'm currentley working on a route which I want to include working theater aspect signals. Now in my trainz 2004 I have a collection of track side objects which are named like this "Sig T 0" are these what I need or do I need some other things.

Hello headshot119, may I point you in this direction, for all aspects of signalling both in the UK, the U.S; China and throughout Europe, it's quite an interesting in-depth read, and will give you some ideas of what types of signals you require for your layout, and how they work.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
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Now in my trainz 2004 I have a collection of track side objects which are named like this "Sig T 0" are these what I need or do I need some other things.


They are 'Signal Targets'

Place them on the tracks in order for the signals to generate the relevant feathers and work correctly.

I believe there is a guide to using them on James' site:
