
Ain't I a sight.
After realising that there is no longer any official off-topic forum, and having been given a fair reason why that is so, I have decided to create an unofficial one.:)

The address for this board is: http://s9.invisionfree.com/TRS_Off_Topic_forum/

Please note that you'll have to make an account for this new board. This is easy and doesn't take long :).

If you do use the forum, please abide by the terms of use.

After realising that there is no longer any official off-topic forum, and having been given a fair reason why that is so, I have decided to create an unofficial one.:)
The address for this board is: http://s9.invisionfree.com/TRS_Off_Topic_forum/
Please note that you'll have to make an account for this new board. This is easy and doesn't take long :).
If you do use the forum, please abide by the terms of use.

James, do not totally understand this thread nor do I understand the meaning of your second one !!
Complete with it's own ignore thread... :p

A place for trainzers with too much time on their hands to hang out together and be random... :)

I'm sure this will please a lot of people.
I also think it's a great idea.

I'm still not convinced that it was a good idea for Auran to get rid of the official one.
I had many conversations on there about Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport, to name a couple, and enjoyed it.

There are times when I might want to talk about something other than Trainz, but with the people that I know in this community, and at present we don't have the means here.

I'll be over to join any minute.

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My only reply,

If there are no "off topics" allowed, why do we have the "Ignore this post---" thread ??

Seems to me as though this is the most "off topic" as one can get, but still it is allowed to continue ??

Good point.
That threads been going for an age.
My Xbox thread lasted about 3 posts before it was closed.

Maybe we should start our off-topic posts with "Ignore this post/thread..."

I suggest anyone who wants off-topic discussion join the above forum.
If enough people leave the Auran site to do their off-topic stuff, maybe Auran will see a lot of potential customers spending a little less time here, and will bring it back.


Lol, I almost convinced myself then that Auran are actually bothered what the community wants. :hehe::hehe::hehe:

Incidentally, I wonder how "on-topic" the Auran Chat room is, and if the Mods have a forum to discuss all things "moderation", do they sometimes use it to discuss things off-topic. Hmmm.

If enough people leave the Auran site to do their off-topic stuff, maybe Auran will see a lot of potential customers spending a little less time here, and will bring it back.
Not really....after all, what is the topic we would be off of?....in this case, Trainz...and since Trainz is not the subject in an off-topic forum, people will still be here for Trainz related stuff....:cool:
Most special-interest forums have an OT section, so it's a shame there isn't one here. It could be because OT forums generally need tighter moderation as threads can get heated. Sadly they do also tend to attract trolls with zero interest in the more subject-specific forums, especially if subject-matter under discussion can be found by a Google search..

However the Trainz community does appear to be an unusually well-mannered one by web standards generally, so I'd imagine that a Trainz OT forum would be self-policing.
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Not really....after all, what is the topic we would be off of?....in this case, Trainz...and since Trainz is not the subject in an off-topic forum, people will still be here for Trainz related stuff....:cool:
What an odd comment.

What you're saying is that when people are talking about Trainz related topics, they'll still be here.
Well we know that.
The point is that should anyone decide to talk about something other than Trainz, they could stay on this forum and are likely to stay here longer.
If people have to go elsewhere to talk off-topic, then that's not good business sense.

Anyway, your highly-edited quote doesn't include the part where I say that Auran isn't going to do it.

Let's face it.
Whether it's the forums or the game production itself, it increasingly looks like there's no-one at the helm.
Last I heard, the janitor was making all the executive decisions. :wave:

It could be because OT forums generally need tighter moderation as threads can get heated. Sadly they do also tend to attract trolls with zero interest in the more subject-specific forums, especially if subject-matter under discussion can be found by a Google search.
I don't know what reasons Auran gave for not giving us back the off-topic forums, but I think I remember someone saying it was due to personal abuse, or comments that were out of order and not acceptable.

My thoughts on this are that the people resonsible for saying those things should be banned, instead of punishing the whole community.

Also, I can't remember if off-topic was available to non-registered users, but if it was, itshouldn't have been.
Make it so that it's only available to those who can log in, and then they will at least be accountable for their actions.

And I don't think that the Mods who mod the rest of the forum should mod the off-topic. Get a few members of the community who are not already mods to do it, so that they can give it their full attention.
I'll volunteer right now if it gets us the off-topic forum back.

And you're right.
I can't think of many forums that I visit that haven't got an off-topic forum, and this community is much more suited to one than most, due to the civil nature of most people here.

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What an odd comment.

Not odd at all....I highly edited it because that comment was the only one I was interested in replying to. It was just another one of those "Auran is going to lose business if they don't do this our way" comments. You're assuming that this off site forum being started for off topic subjects is going to be used by Trainzers just as much as if the Auran forum had one.....to me, it is just one more of many start up forums claiming to fill a need lacking in this one....:cool:
In my opinion,

They are all odd comments, if one is in an Off Topic forum, who and/or why would anyone give a rat's behind of the subject matter, be it Trainz related or not ? It is OFF topic, that is why it is there and not here ?
I am totally confused as to why there is such a debate over a simple, if you want to discuss OFF topic go here . It is apparent to me that this Forum is not going to support it due to lack of Mods ?

My thoughts ---DLR
You're assuming that this off site forum being started for off topic subjects is going to be used by Trainzers just as much as if the Auran forum had one
I'm assuming no such thing.
Shall we add mind reader to your other qualities?

I was merely suggesting that if enough people use it, it might show Auran that there is a need for one.
Of course, for people to use that one, they would first need to read this thread, then go to that forum, then register and post, and bookmark it so that it might become a regular haunt of theirs.
That narrows down the number of people who will actually use it straight away, where as an official Auran one would be noticed on the main forum list when people visit here, and would get god knows how many times more visitors.
That means that the other forum isn't really a good indication of whether an off-topic forum is wanted here, but at least people are trying to do something, rather than sitting at their computer being contrary for the sake of it.

If I lived and breathed Trainz and Trains, I would probably be happy without an off-topic forum, as well as being a very boring person. :hehe:
If we were all in a pub having a drink, after about half an hour of everyone talking about Trainz and Trains I would be bored silly, and would want to talk about Football, Women, Music, The Budget, Coastal Erosion, etc. :D
Anything than listen to grown men getting over-excited about 3rd rails and acceleration curves.

I would have thought that Auran could have provided us with the means to do so here too, as they did previously, but just like the "reasons" that we were given for losing the other forums, the reason for losing the off-topic one is a bit weak.
It could be that if we're not talking about Trainz 24/7, then we're not welcome to speak here. :eek:

Again, this is one of the few communities that doesn't encourage off-topic conversation, which must seem odd even to an "Auran devotee" as yourself. lol.

Everything in moderation (no pun intended, or indeed achieved).

Oh, and DLR, I agree that it's a stupid debate, and that there's no chance of Auran bringing it back (and would it be such a big deal if they did?), but we have to keep Sourdough entertained. At least it keeps him off the streets. :hehe:

Now, lets talk about Trainz, Trains, Trainz, Trains.....:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:

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...Snip...Oh, and DLR, I agree that it's a stupid debate, and that there's no chance of Auran bringing it back (and would it be such a big deal if they did?), but we have to keep Sourdough entertained. At least it keeps him off the streets. :hehe:
Now, lets talk about Trainz, Trains, Trainz, Trains.....:sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:


Enjoyed and was amused by the humor in your last post, but especially the quoted snip above, I know through the years, you and Sourdough actually respect each other very much .

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Hi Dave.

Yeah, exactly.
This is the sort of banter that would be deemed off-topic, so this is the sort of fun these forums miss out on.

Never mind.
I suppose Auran have bigger problems.
Due to cut-backs, I think Auran are only open on Tuesdays and Thursdays these days, and employees have to bring their own computers in with them.:p

It's a shame that they all seem to have lost their forum passwords though eh? :hehe:

Keep on smiling,