The New Is Here So What is Next?


Well-known member
We have a large portion of what TANE is expected to be in front of us. It has proven to be a viable product capable of generating many hours of enjoyment for its customers. What is the next step? Perhaps the management (manager) could step back and professionally consolidate the myriad of items that make up the TANE universe.

It is difficult to argue that TANE, without its addons/ scripts/tweaks/ rules, etc. would be as successful as it has become. These behind the scenes items are strong contributors to its acceptance. The flip-side is that they are poorly organized, poorly described and little understood beyond maybe 20% of the customer base. Some rules need to be discarded as do some other items that may work, but not in all situations. They need to be organized, not just made available on the DLS. Descriptions are either missing or scattered around the universe of the web.

I had not looked at TANE for over a month. I looked at a few of my routes and read some forum messages. The same trends were there. People asking good questions but, in some instances, being told to use some arcane process/rule to get more than one train running on "their railroad". Discussions about Portals was still there as customers struggled to get them to work. This was an example of why N3V now needs to devote money to. Organize, document, and in some cases fix, the tools customers need to maximize their enjoyment.

Many of the things customers need to do have little to do with a railroad but are needed to make a computer emulate a railroad. These are the keys to the kingdom but they remain a disorganized set of arcane tools that often are more frustrating than valuable.

There's a lot going on behind the scenes which cannot be discussed publicly by various groups including the CRG. CRG is repairing and updating content to ensure it works in T:ANE and above. The scripts and such have not been tackled just yet.

There are things happening in the Trainz Dev as well which are not privy just yet for the public, and of course there's also the SP2 which is in closed beta right now and subject to NDA so things can't be said.

The thing is much of this stuff takes time. Software testing, and verification takes the longest and some things in the Trainz Dev may never see the light of day, but are the proving grounds for future implementations.
I recently bought T:ANE after being absent for years and of course I read these forums now too. I am kinda baffled by some of the members here bashing developers and the publisher of the Trainz software. I saw one recently who had the statement "I hope N3V goes bankrupt" in his signature, now I see someone who suggest the management to step back....what on earth is wrong with you people!?
I stopped playing MMO's because of the toxic attitude of the community that expects everything handed to them on a golden platter because they spent a few bucks but it seems to be a sign of the times cause I see the same here..
I agree that T:ANE is not complete yet, it is an ongoing development as far as I understand but...those 'I want it all, NOW!' kiddies ( yes, I say 'kiddies' matter what age you guys are, you are acting like a kid, ignorant and immature ) are seriously creeping me out. You guys have no idea how complex an application like T:ANE is, you want them to develop it faster? Send them a truckload full with money so they can hire some more people to help them expanding a team and paying those employees, besides the additional costs of running a company. You are not dealing with a company like Warner Brothers which probably has unlimited financial resources (although I highly doubt that) but with a small team who has to make profit too to live and at the same time working their ****** off to try give YOU the game you want and expect. But the company isn't run by Harry Potter so please, do some reflection on yourself before telling a company how to run their business, ok?

/end rant
As I have found out recently, N3V doesn't listen to it's users unless you are willing to write them a $500 check. I can't tell you how many unanswered posts I've have made as a content creator or as a concerned user trying to squeeze some kind of answer out of's useless to even try!
As I have found out recently, N3V doesn't listen to it's users unless you are willing to write them a $500 check. I can't tell you how many unanswered posts I've have made as a content creator or as a concerned user trying to squeeze some kind of answer out of's useless to even try!


That part not listening is not true, since I've read plenty of posts from Tony himself guiding and helping people -- You must understand that this forum/trainz is like no other, because it's a community driven game, meaning that help mostly will come from your fellow trainzers either from scripting issues, or a content issue; But sometimes there's no answers to questions unless you do research, either searching the forum, or at wikiTrainz, etc

However, John, two posts above, along with Malc, and Shane have their doors open to lend a helping hand, so there are folks who will always try their best to help out -- Now, as a CC myself, with over 8000+ items in the DLS, most of that I've learned from tutorials, and as I went alone through the years --- Still again, sometimes there's no answers at the forum, and we need to go fish them ourselves, like wiki trainz, etc ...

Please, do not consider this post harsh, or anything other then what I honestly posted in good spirited! :)

Kind Regards
Since 2002, I've never had them answer one of my questions.

The only occasions when I have not had a direct answer from Tony himself (without posting a $500 cheque) or another N3V employee/representative have been when someone else in these forums has jumped in first with the answer - these forums run 24/7 across all time zones while N3V operates to AEST (but Tony and others have been online supporting N3V and its products after hours, weekends, public holidays - does Bill Gates do that?)

All my tickets have been answered - some taking longer than others but the answers still came. One of my TANE bug reports made it into SP1 as a "fix". As far as I could tell I was the only one who reported this problem but I was able to verify it on 3 different computers and provide a detailed report.

Your message did not reveal what your questions were.
For me the perfect version of trainz would be when I can install all my favourite routes and assets from my TRS12 into my T:ANE and they work 100%.
When Tane first came out I was skeptical after the mess that was TS12. When I finally decided to give it a go I was underwhelmed And cleared it and TS12 from my computer. I kept my old faithful TS10, but basically shelved Trainz after nearly 10 years. I went driving trucks and farming for 12 months.
I kept an eye on the forum and watched as the bugs were ironed out.
A few weeks ago I loaded up Tane again and was very pleased with what I found, the work put in by the team was well worth it.
I have since loaded all my old favorite routes into Tane. There was a lot of work to get some to run, but I now have a CM with no red showing.
People constantly complain about the faulty dependencies, they have always been with Trainz. I think I have enjoyed the searching, fixing and gaining tips from the forum, more than actually using the program. It keeps my old brain ticking over and fills in my time as I am confined to a wheelchair.
All the fuss comes from our 'millenniums', who expect everything right now and to be perfect. Us oldies say thank you to the team for giving us the game we have now and look to the future development of the simulator.

There's a lot going on behind the scenes which cannot be discussed publicly by various groups including the CRG. CRG is repairing and updating content to ensure it works in T:ANE and above. The scripts and such have not been tackled just yet.

There are things happening in the Trainz Dev as well which are not privy just yet for the public, and of course there's also the SP2 which is in closed beta right now and subject to NDA so things can't be said.

The thing is much of this stuff takes time. Software testing, and verification takes the longest and some things in the Trainz Dev may never see the light of day, but are the proving grounds for future implementations.


As Tony The Tiger used to say - Grrrrreat! Granted it takes time and money but it looks like another coat of polish is coming!
Usually don't say much, but I think people have to ask themselves what they want and how much they are willing to pay. We are a very small group in this world,and as such need to realize we are talking a niche market. For what it is worth,we pay very little for what we get. We have a very dedicated user support system that can not be thanked enough. We have a company that puts up with all of our winning and conflicting interests and still produces products for us at a decent cost. People seem to forget a company's primary purpose is to make money for the owners. To most of us this is a hobby, to them it is a living.
We have a company that puts up with all of our winning and conflicting interests and still produces products for us at a decent cost. People seem to forget a company's primary purpose is to make money for the owners. To most of us this is a hobby, to them it is a living.

One of the most important point have been said in this post quote!!!

Kind Regards
It is true for me. Since 2002, I've never had them answer one of my questions.

You will have to change that response now as here is an answer for you :)

Perhaps you have been unlucky, perhaps you have been asking in the wrong forums, or perhaps asking in threads we are not watching. I took a quick look through the last 50 or so posts you have made in the past year and a half and in the post summary (which is the first line of the post only) there wasn't one question asked.

We are also a very different company today to the one that was operating even a few years ago. The best way to get a response is to so to and submit a bug report through the troubleshooter. You will generally get a response within 12-24 hours. From there your bug report gets into our bug tracking system and depending on the complexity and severity of the issue, the bug will be fixed in an upcoming update.

Please test us out and see for yourself if things have changed.

(Oh, and as for the $500 check comment made earlier in this thread, if everyone did do that, then we could expand the team and solve everyone's problems much quicker :) Instead we do as much as we can with the resources we have.)
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The reason there are very few questions from me at this point is because I've learned that chances are good they will never get answered to begin with. Speaking of not getting answered, How about you give a reply in my DLS Request thread?

Also, the $500 comment is based on the pay to play club that still has their of forum for some reason.
Speaking of not getting answered, How about you give a reply in my DLS Request thread?

OK, I just read through that entire thread. First post, by BD1964 (quoted above), on Jan 1st 2017. Last post (as of this posting) Jan 3rd 2017. There are a couple of points that could be made.

I don't know how they do things in Wyoming PA, but here the 1st and 2nd Jan were public holidays and for the remainder of that week (up till 6th Jan) many businesses are closed (not certain what N3V are doing though). Most people here are at the beach today or watching the cricket match between Australia and Pakistan - if I was Tony that is what I would be doing.

Even though Tony has made at least one post in this thread at 6am (local time) today, I would suggest that the best course of action to take with your DLS request thread would be to "wait and see" what opinions and views are expressed before giving a response. Is 3 days really long enough for that? Particularly when the bulk of opinions in that thread seem, at best, lukewarm to your suggestion that the bigger uploaders should receive faster download speeds.
Ok, now it's my turn...
First off, I posted about not being reply too as a general rule. Some people get answers (those who gave money) and those who don't get answers (the rest of us). If you have gotten answers and you are a part of the 2nd group then consider yourself darn lucky.
Next, Tony as been on the here the better part of the afternoon. I'm sure he's already read my post. He's had plenty of time to reply. Also, there are other people that are a part of the N3V team that could answer questions.
Lastly, My DLS suggestion is just that....a suggestion that I'm willing to offer. The bigger issue is that as Trainz develops, CDP sizes are getting bigger and the DLS needs some kind of adjustments to reflect that. What's the point of having content that is 40+MB with a 100MB per day limit? I'm sure a lot of people are turning away from Trainz just because of that. Now, because this thoughts and ideas are coming from a content creator that is not a part of the good old boys club around here, it would seem that my ideas don't count and are not even worth replying too.

I've posted not only to pose questions to N3V, I'm also trying to make it better for everybody, but you fanboys want to fight me at every turn.
I've posted not only to pose questions to N3V, I'm also trying to make it better for everybody, but you fanboys want to fight me at every turn.

I have no problems with anyone offering suggestions to improve the DLS (or anything else) - certainly there is a lot of room for improvement there. I suspect that your issue here is with the lack of a response that you like in the time frame that you deem reasonable. Your suggestion may have merit or not, but that is something that should be discussed in your DLS Request thread - to which I have not contributed.

I would respectfully suggest that the best course of action is patience. Keep that thread going, with practical suggestions, for more than just the 3 days that have so far elapsed in the middle of a holiday season where most Trainz users would be occupied elsewhere.

Ok, now it's my turn...
First off, I posted about not being reply too as a general rule. Some people get answers (those who gave money) and those who don't get answers (the rest of us). If you have gotten answers and you are a part of the 2nd group then consider yourself darn lucky.
Next, Tony as been on the here the better part of the afternoon. I'm sure he's already read my post. He's had plenty of time to reply. Also, there are other people that are a part of the N3V team that could answer questions.

I've posted not only to pose questions to N3V, I'm also trying to make it better for everybody, but you fanboys want to fight me at every turn.

Nothing new buddy, i have been on this forum in one guise or another since june 2001 (including the old forum).

I have every major version of Trainz. You soon learn to realise there are the two groups you mentioned.

Those in the favoured cannot do anything wrong group. Then there are the rest of us that have been pumping money into Auran\N3V for over 15 years.

Unless you slavishly worship at the temple of Trainz and bow down to the great gods that work for the company.

You won't get a look in.