The Merchant of VanDenH
Thespian culture has come to Austral Bay! The Royal Shakespeare Company is on tour and Harry has been selected to pull the company's train. Famous Shakespearean actors Sir Frank Bacon and Harriet Smithson are included in the group which is to travel from Anderson to VanDenH for their next performance. The train, nicknamed the Thespian Thexpress by the railroad community, is running with 5 VR V louvres attached which carry costumes, scenery and Sir Frank's personal supply of Burgundy. Because of the addition of the freight cars to the passenger cars staff need to be reminded of the relevant rules:
The Thespian Thexpress is a Run as Required train and you may depart as soon as ready.
Passenger cars are to be left on the loop platform (VanDenH 1), the VR V louvres to be placed on the loading shed (MIB) opposite the steelworks wye. Harry is to be stabled at loco.
Maximum speed leaving Anderson station (east turnouts) is 20 mph.
Maximum speed from Anderson to VanDenH is 70 mph.
Maximum speed through VanDenH (from the elevated section) is 50 mph.

Wait for the two freights to clear the yard...

... before you cross over to get the louvres from the loading shed siding.

It's always worth looking around to see what's going on. The yard K takes care of the loco ash.

Sir Frank wobbles unsteadily down the corridor to find some more burgundy; makes sure you couple up nice and gently...

... and don't do a wild Hollywood start!
Thespian culture has come to Austral Bay! The Royal Shakespeare Company is on tour and Harry has been selected to pull the company's train. Famous Shakespearean actors Sir Frank Bacon and Harriet Smithson are included in the group which is to travel from Anderson to VanDenH for their next performance. The train, nicknamed the Thespian Thexpress by the railroad community, is running with 5 VR V louvres attached which carry costumes, scenery and Sir Frank's personal supply of Burgundy. Because of the addition of the freight cars to the passenger cars staff need to be reminded of the relevant rules:
- Passenger cars in use must always be attached to the locomotive. This is because of the steam heating connections.
- Passenger cars in use may NOT be shunted. Other vehicles may be attached to them or detached from them but the passenger cars themselves may not be moved to accomplish this.
- Extra care must always be exercised when coupling or uncoupling from passenger cars to avoid harsh bumps or jolts that may pose a discomfort or a danger to passengers and staff. (Try keeping your coupling speed below 2 mph!)
- Passenger cars in use should only be stopped at station platforms and preferably at stations where they are scheduled to stop or terminate. Passenger trains may NOT be stopped on bridges or in tunnels. Passenger trains may be stopped as required for locomotive purposes but care should be exercised to ensure that passengers do not alight from the train in a manner that may pose a danger to themselves or others.
- Passenger trains running with freight cars attached at the rear do NOT need to run with a guard's van but signal and station staff should always check to see that the train is complete.
The Thespian Thexpress is a Run as Required train and you may depart as soon as ready.
Passenger cars are to be left on the loop platform (VanDenH 1), the VR V louvres to be placed on the loading shed (MIB) opposite the steelworks wye. Harry is to be stabled at loco.
Maximum speed leaving Anderson station (east turnouts) is 20 mph.
Maximum speed from Anderson to VanDenH is 70 mph.
Maximum speed through VanDenH (from the elevated section) is 50 mph.

Wait for the two freights to clear the yard...

... before you cross over to get the louvres from the loading shed siding.

It's always worth looking around to see what's going on. The yard K takes care of the loco ash.

Sir Frank wobbles unsteadily down the corridor to find some more burgundy; makes sure you couple up nice and gently...

... and don't do a wild Hollywood start!