The interactive Loading of cars


Active member
Back in 04 we had the possibility of loading cars with boxes, oil and other commodities. Somewhat it works reasonably well using the interactive industries that came with the game as well as others made by third parties. Then we got "Lars". Somehow I missed this new system. I see it is not compatible, as cars loading Lars don't load trainz commodities and viceversa. Can anybody explain the differences and or where can we get information on all this? (Can it be compatible?. can wagons made for one system load the other system?).
Lars Industry Tracks are Product Specific

Lars Industry Tracks are set up for specific industrys. Bulk, Coal, Coke, Steel, etc. 2004 industry new track can be programed to use any industry in the industry library. Can industry newtrack load Lars commodities? Yes it can. Can Lars Industry Track use built in commodities? Yes if it preprogrammed to do so.

I use both but industry new track is better because Lars consumes/creates 1 unit per minute whereas new industry can be programmed to create/consume at whatever rate you wish. Plus you can consume and create multiple commodities with industry new track.

Lars is much easier to set up. Industry new track is more difficult to set up but you can do more with it.

Hope this helps.
Go to to found more about the complete LARS system. There are three different versions. The original LARS, LARS 2 and the newest ProtoLARS. The ProtoLars systems allows things like setting up an industry track to require cars be left by the loco and waiting a user defined period of time before the cars are loaded. For example, a fuel depot spur where three empty tank cars are dropped off by the local freight. The fuel depot can be set to take four hours to fill the tank cars either one at a time or all at once. After four hours the cars are full and ready for pickup. After two hours the loading would just be half done.


Lars is much easier to set up. Industry new track is more difficult to set up but you can do more with it.

Hope this helps.

I have noticed also that in ProtoLars industry:
1/ we do not need the locomotive attached to the consist for loading or unloading
2/ ProtoLars industry can be on an elevated track.
As Sethmcs says, Lars has that built in 1 min delay which causes problems with AI trains. Uncoupling then recoupling was the only way I found to make them load reliably. I still haven't got the external function working well, but it has interesting possiblities.