The Hudson Line

As most people know I have been working on a New York City route. I was no sure to go south on the NEC or North on the Hudson Line. Well the hudson line it is. As of today the route goes from 125th street in NYC to Yonkers. All the stations from 125st to Yonkers are done, Yonkers and 125st needs scenery. Out of Penn Station the route goes south to Newark Penn Station (90% of the scenery is done) with Hoboken Station (not done yet), and up north on the empire connection. Here is the two stations I did today; Riverdale, and Ludlow. The one thing that would make this route good would be if someone would reskin the TC AMD 103 in Amtrak, and shoreliners into CDOT. Thanks

Ludlow looking north

Ludlow Station looking west

Ludlow looking south

Sewage Plant south of Ludlow Station



More to come......
Is this 04, 06, or Classics? Will you go to Albany? Or to Trenton, Philly? We need more US Amtrak routes in Trainz. This route was done before, for 04 from both Penn and Grand Central north to Garrison, and someone's working on a version for 06/Classics.
Whoa whoa whoa slow down. The route is obviously for Trainz Classics, and It's hopefully staying in the NY/NJ area and it's a mixture of Metro North, LIRR, NJT, and Amtrak.
Is this 04, 06, or Classics? Will you go to Albany? Or to Trenton, Philly? We need more US Amtrak routes in Trainz. This route was done before, for 04 from both Penn and Grand Central north to Garrison, and someone's working on a version for 06/Classics.

Yes there was a route done before like this, but the route I am making is very accurate. Every switch is there. I used google earth for the roads, buildings, trees, and soo on. I kinda went off on the detail, everything down to the locations of trees and buildings was done. That is why it is taking me so long. Here is whats next: When thr bi-level NJT cars come out I will finish Hoboken station. The big plan is north on the Hudson. I wish that someone would make a CDOT reskin of the TC cars and an Amtrak reskin of the TC P42DC. Thanks everyone!
Welcome back tbob and great job:wave: ! where can i get these red devils from:o ? Also what progam did you use? because I plan on making Amtrak reskins for the cab cars to make them look like metroliner cab cars.
can you please email me the blue and white fl9. My email is I have extended the harlem line up to wassiac. Did you put the hudson line together with the existing harlem line or did you create the hudson line in a new session. I am trying to put the metro north lines in one big session that will have over 200 base boards.
;)first off,let me just say,that this is a great route,and to the user who posted above me,with all due respect,I think it would be a good idea if you hid your email address because that runs a risk of spamming,if you are trying to contact someone,send them a PM and you should get a response back!:o
I know this may sound stupid but do you know what pm a person is. I thought it was replying during the 12:00pm-11:59pm. I do not know how to remove my last message.
Hudson line

I now know what PM means. Personal or private message. My version of the hudson line will be started soon. I need a new hard drive and cannot depend on my laptops internal memory. I need it for school work. By the way, i just got a metro north vest. The orange and yellow ones.