The Great Bogey Switch off.


OK Here goes. If you have switched any kind of bogey or truck with something else post it here and tell us what works and what doesn't. For example, switching a non-animated truck out for one that is animated.

Here is my contribution. A GP9, original on the left and replacement on the right. The replacement ones are SPorBust's NS trucks. They line up perfectly and rotate the correct way.
The only prob is that your replacement truck is not a GP9 truck, so that doesn't keep the engine original!

Whitepass: Those are the aar type b road trucks right? And if so may I use those on the GP-30 that I am making. The SOO line used those trucks on them.

I don't even think it's EMD...

:cool: I think that's a floating bolster type FB-2 truck under the Geep, however it's the idea of change-out, that's cool...

Please post the kuid of the change-outs!
My one picture, my reskinned BL2 with Joram's GP trucks.

Then I wanted the same truck but with less rusty wheels so I changed the colors of them. Also made it a bit darker. I put these on GP40s to see how they looked and uploaded that version of the bogey to DLS.

While I don't have pictures, I have used Magicland's trucks from the C424/425s on C420s (nothing uploaded of course).
I have read that some railroads used different trucks for various reasons including:
1 - trading in one builder's locos for another but using the traded trucks on the new stuff, like EMD trucks on Alcos, Alco trucks on GEs, etc.
2 - the railroad wants the new engine but doesn't like the stock trucks so they ask for or acquire others.
3 - the railroad runs out of parts or the builder goes out of business so other builder's trucks are used for repairs.

I would like to know what I can use for the 2004 built-in ATSF-type passenger cars, I downloaded some other cars but I cannot stand the defaults nor find bogies that fit right. And I am still sorting through rolling stock to see what looks good especially between 33x68 and 33x70 sizes. Plus the F40PH bogies suddenly don't work for me even when redownloaded, I keep getting animation error messages for those and a few others.
StorkNest, will the bogie pictured work on all Geeps or just the GP40 and is it animated? I looked on the dls but didn't find it. What is it's kuid?
PA1 trucks.
i have done a few bogey swap overs... makes the locos look nice n' tidy :D
Over the past 2 years I've been switching out trucks on all of my US rolling stock and any loco that could benefit from better, appropriate trucks... and I'm a download addict. I love the "improved" fleet, but may have traded a bit more of my social life than I had originally intended when I started this project. As soon as I figure out why TRS2004 and Vista are having a fit with each other, I'll go back into the game and contribute what I can to this thread.
Heya greg! I gave up my social life a long time ago for this. This is my way of dealing with marriage. :)

Is there a good replacement set for the ol' PS SW7?.

I have the ones Tyler made, but they are not on the DLS.

Wiley :)
Yeah, try VMD's Bloomberg Black (Dirty) Trucks. I use them under the f7 and it looks pretty good. Here is a link to a photo of what they look like.

StorkNest, will the bogie pictured work on all Geeps or just the GP40 and is it animated? I looked on the dls but didn't find it. What is it's kuid?
Sorry, missed your reply. Should work on GPs, I've used it on Prjindigo's GPs and Panit Shed ones, haven't tried other since any other GPs I have comoe with their own. Can't remember kuids but seach by username either mine for the reskin I did and joram24 for his originals. I'm trying to do a silver version that is a hard color to get right in paint programs.
As soon as I figure out why TRS2004 and Vista are having a fit with each other, I'll go back into the game and contribute what I can to this thread.
While it was mentioned only for 2006, have you tried the Run as Admiinistrator bit? I had to reinstall '04 that way to get things working right.
These GP's don't look too bad :), I couldn't find the VMD Bloomberg's, are they on the DLS?.

Wiley :)

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