The Future Of Trainz

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New member
I have been with Trainz for several years now. I started with Trainz, went through TRS2004 then moved on to iteration 2006. I've watched the product evolve. Whatever improvements were made, they never dealt with the graphics of the game. It still has a child-like quality. Some of us have invested a lot of time an effort in Trainz and we turn hostile if anyone challenges our devotion.

Well, along comes Rail Simulator. I have looked closely at the graphics and they are truly spectacular. The simulatior is new and just as with Trainz, it too will go through its growing pains with service packs and other things. The point is that sooner or later, we, the hard-core Tainzers, will have to concede that a new age has dawned.

So far as I can see, Trainz will continue using the same game engine because developing a new one is just too costly.

And you know what else? In Trainz, rain or snow continues falling, even inside of a tunnel! Does that simulate the real world?

I don't think so!

Unless Tainz goes through a complete transformation, this game will fade into the past and only the stubborn will stick with it to the bitter end.

All valid points in my opinion, but unfortunately, they're points that have hashed to death ad nausem here, and no progress has been made in that area.

An interesting thing about graphics I've noticed - it seems to me that a lot of "sim" users, and train sim users specifically, seem to think that good graphics and good gameplay are mutually exclusive - a sim simply cannot have both. I remember when the first screenshots of KRS surfaced, showing off some pretty good (then) graphics compared to Trainz, and it was instantly panned here, with many users asserting that "the developers are just playing with fancy graphics, it has no gameplay whatsoever," even though not a single one of them knew what was going on inside Kuju at the time, and it's almost impossible to comment on gameplay from an early promotional screenshot.

So unfortunately, until this idea that one simply cannot have both is proven to be a load of bunk, you're going to find that a lot of users here are going to criticize the idea of updated graphics and prefer that Auran continue to use the same old rustic JET 2.0 it's been using for nearly 5 years now. Not a bad idea, since the Trainz team - at last count - totalled 4 people, but sometimes people here generally tend to go a bit overboard in defending the use of stone age graphics.
I think trainz still has a strong future. Trainz may not always have the best graphics, but compared to MSTS or KRS I love the interface. Plus there is plenty of very nice content out there that in my opinion looks just as good as anything currently out for KRS. To me its all smoke and mirrors OR really Textures and ligting effects :hehe: just look at alot of next gen games you can see what i mean.

One thing that would make trainz fantastic compared to KRS (idk about MSTS 2 since we dont know everything yet) would be full online play, I guess well have to wait for Trs 09 ;)
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